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  1. Derro

    Microlite20 gone

    That's pretty weird. I have that address bookmarked and it totally sent me to a placeholder. I guess the internet is feeling unwell today.
  2. Derro

    Microlite20 gone

    Just saw this at I checked the site and it is in fact an advertisement placeholder. I check that site at least a couple of times a week and I didn't know anything about this. Is greywulf or anyone else in the know able to make a comment?
  3. Derro

    I’m not dead yet…..sticking with 3.5

    Aha! Proof positive that the 4e camp is seeking to undermine 3.5 community. To give a person of such clear motivation power over a 3.5 discussion panel! I'm aghast. Nefarity! Conspiracy!! Shenanigans!!! Other words repeated frequently and loudly!!!! Good day. (;))
  4. Derro

    I’m not dead yet…..sticking with 3.5

    I think the OP is seeing something nefarious where it clearly does not exist. Pathfinder, True20, Conan, etc are all based on the 3.5 SRD. Pathfinder was conceived of well after the 3.5 revision and d20 Conan 2e and True20 Revised were released post 3.5 revision. I know for a fact that the Conan...
  5. Derro

    Warriors & Warlocks out on PDF!

    How about a half-fiend medusa, like the Gorgon sisters in Clash of the Titans?
  6. Derro

    WotC puts a stop to online sales of PDFs

    Hear here. It just seems so arbitrary and capricious. Even if this is the first steps to WotC establishing their own on-line store the perceptions created in the community by such a grand, blundering maneuver can only alienate people. Nobody likes to be punished for something they didn't do. In...
  7. Derro

    Will WOTC's Ending PDF Sales Because of Pirating Increase Pirating of their Stuff?

    It's disappointing that the leading company in the industry feels the need to punish its customers based on the actions of a few bad apples. There also seems to be no thought as to how this affects the intermediary providers, RPGNow and DrivethruRPG. Removing your product is one thing, failing...
  8. Derro

    A Song of Ice and Fire Roleplaying - The Game and its Canon

    Look here Main Page - A Wiki of Ice and Fire That's the best one I've seen. Constructing a canon of such a convoluted property is daunting. Good luck.
  9. Derro

    4e Modern

    I see your point but must qualify myself by saying that realism wasn't a major factor for my own point. Again, I see your point but I also think that it views the subject with too narrow a lens. If class were used to designate what the character is good at as opposed to what they are supposed...
  10. Derro

    4e Modern

    This is the meat of it right here. 4e's underlying unified systems would make a perfectly serviceable framework for a modern game. The trappings of D&D like race, class, and escalating magical power are easy enough to pare away or re-skin. If the game is designed from the floor up instead of...
  11. Derro

    Which of these old school modules are worth getting?

    Yes, you are correct. I think I just got to voting and noted that you didn't have Bone Hill, one of TSR's greatest modules ever. Not to be a prick but The Assassin's Knot without Bonehill is sort of like, oh I don't know, Needle.
  12. Derro

    Which of these old school modules are worth getting?

    You missed L1: Bone Hill and L2: The Assassin's Knot. Bone Hill is a great starting sandbox. There is so much to do in that module. It recommends a short level spread (2-4) but with a little alteration you can get the first 6 levels out of that one no problem. The Assassin's Knot is not as...
  13. Derro

    UPDATE: New Drizzt vid & Sword Fighting blog

    Holy Shizzt! The title said fan film and I figure it would be below The Gamers in quality. Boy was I wrong. Very well done. Above average choreography, good costuming, returning Aegis-fang, a class act all the way. I'd love to see more of this. PS Tell Hair and Make-up that a light mist of...
  14. Derro

    Great Cleave

    Not to labor the point but Great Cleave says, "This feat works like Cleave, except that blah, blah, blah... The point being it is a modification to an existing feat not a new feat with vastly different effects. Great Cleave + Whirlwind Attack = Dammit, I should've made this encounter bigger. I...
  15. Derro

    Cthulhu Deities & Hombrew Worlds - Need Help

    Here's somebody's interpretation through the lens of the Hyborian Age. Sprinkle with salt and/or Chaos as necessary.
  16. Derro

    Homebrew System - Vitality/Wound Point Questions

    I haven't seen Experimental Might yet. Is that a 50/50 division? Do you lose Health only after all your Grace is gone? I'd say that is a pretty decent system. The book-keeping is minimal compared to other systems. It might even be considered too simple for some. The degree of grain it...
  17. Derro

    My DM is retarded

    Seize the DM. :lol: That is frickin' brilliant.
  18. Derro

    Song of ice and fire

    I'm totally on the other end of that scale. While the GoO book was beautiful the sheer abundance of rules is what turned me off. There were elements that I liked, Influence springs immediately to mind, but overall it just felt like a re-skin of D&D to me. Because d20 based games tie power to...
  19. Derro

    Song of ice and fire

    Oh, hey, that's cool. :) I see that's from December. I stopped checking updates near the end of October when it didn't show up. I hope magic stays pretty loose. It's always been very loose in the novels. I've often read a passage and wondered if that was magic. Sort of like LotR in that way...
  20. Derro

    Solo campaign for arcane caster

    Definitely give more hit points. I'd even suggest starting with Constitution plus 1d4 and then carry on from there. Since it's an arcane caster you might want to look at Reserve Points since you don't have healing on tap. The rest really depends on the campaign and character type you have in...