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  1. L

    Fochlucan Lyrist build help

    Yeah I looked at Sublime Chord. Only way to do it is with Alternative Source Spell Feat. And I'd lose another level of Cleric. I don't know how the sudden access to 4th and 5th level spells would work... Sample Bard spell per day: 1st: 4 2nd: 2 3rd: 0 4th: 3 5th: 2 That's just too weird!!!
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    Fochlucan Lyrist build help

    I totally agree. It's the way I really want to go. I just put the Druid build out there just in case I can't run the Cleric build, and to show that it's possible without all the cheese. I prefer to have a back up build complete in case the DM says NO on game day, so as not to slow down the...
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    Fochlucan Lyrist build help

    Thanks for pointing that out... but we were effectively give 2 FREE racial HD so my max rank for skills should be 2 points higher. (in the original post it was incorrectly listed as 1 HD.) Please correct me if I am wrong with that assumption. So the song of the heart is ok, but the subsonics...
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    Fochlucan Lyrist build help

    By changing Cloistered Cleric for Totem Druid (Dragon Magazine 335, page 87) the build would look like this: Bard 1.......................Bardic Music, Skill Focus: Knowledge (religion), Feat:Song of the Heart, Feat:Melodic Casting Totem Druid 1.............Totem companion, Totem shape...
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    Fochlucan Lyrist build help

    The RAW in Champions of Valor says " Bonus Languages: As region, plus any one (including dead languages)." To support this, the Loremaster PrC also has "Bonus Languages A loremaster can choose any new language at 4th and 8th level" also with no qualifiers/ exceptions. A Loremaster is free to...
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    Harpoon: delusions of grandeur or DM nightmare

    A fellow player came up with a raptoran character who uses a harpoon. He's the type of player that takes min/maxing to such extremes that it would even make a lawyer cry. (Though not all his builds are completely legal.) In our first game session he used his harpoon in a Powerful Charge (with...
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    Peeping Tom Problems: How do you protect yourself?

    I'm looking for ways to completely protect myself from unwanted scrying. The world setting has a magical version of reality TV, complete with sponsored "adventures" that hack for more than the random treasure and xp. Our group does NOT want the world at large to know our powers and a standard...
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    How free are you with a Freedom of Movement Spell?

    Let me give you a couple of examples that prompted this thread: First is a rope suspended between two raging waterfalls. The waterfalls are crashing down on anyone attempting to cross via the rope. PC's were given a DC30 climb check for every 5'. Second is a 5' wide bridge in very strong...
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    How free are you with a Freedom of Movement Spell?

    It can be argued that if you are being forced in a direction other than the one in which you are trying to move normally in, the freedom of movement should allow you to ignore the force that is trying to impede you. I believe that this should include things like rushing water or high winds from...
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    How free are you with a Freedom of Movement Spell?

    What are the exact effects of a freedom of movement spell? The description states: If you were walking along a narrow bridge where high winds required you to make a DC25 balance check every 5', would a freedom of movement allow you to move normally? It also says that you can move freely in...
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    Help me build an AC fighter

    What about a Swordsage from the Book of Nine Swords? You get a Wis bonus to AC that stacks with light armor. Plus all those cool maneurvers and stances. And if your worried about BAB then only take 2 levels then go into Warblade or Crusader.
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    To be or Not to be (undead), that is the question.

    So good advice on future feats if the choice is made to follow the path to unlife. Something I'm worried about it the dead at 0 hp. Does anyone know of magic items that act as contingencies to do healing? (modified of course to do negative energy) Or is it something I'd have to research and...
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    Does RoE affect undead?

    Sorry, I got a call while typing and didn't get back until just a few minutes ago. I didn't see the new posts.
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    Does RoE affect undead?

    Ok the question is does RoE do ability damage? If so then undead are immune. Because it says under undead type: Not subject to critical hits, nonlethal damage, ability drain, or energy drain. Immune to damage to its physical ability scores (Strength, Dexterity, and Constitution), as well as to...
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    To be or Not to be (undead), that is the question.

    Well, does it matter that we all have non-detection items when considering to become undead? One of the first items I would research is a Hat of Disguise Undead. I got the impression that a hat of disguise wouldn't work on undead or at least not as well. And as for alignment... we're all on...
  16. L

    To be or Not to be (undead), that is the question.

    If given the choice to take the undead template, would you? This very question has recently been put to myself and the other members of our party. My uneducated, gut reaction would be an immediate "NO" but then when I think of generic undead I think, Zombie. Not the least bit appealing. So I...
  17. L

    What should a 3rd level wizard buy with 250K+ gold?

    Well, if I were to hazard a guess as to the reason we were given the gold... I'd have to say it was because the DM has poor split-second decision making skills. We got the chest doing something unexpected and he blurted out "200,000 platinum pieces" before he thought things through. And about...
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    What should a 3rd level wizard buy with 250K+ gold?

    Hiya all. This is my first post...ever and I just created this account so I could respond. I'm in this game so all your answers are relevant to me. I'm also the one who suggested that we not use all 2 million gold. Mostly because I thought we'd either go too overboard or that we'd need the...