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Search results

  1. C

    D&D 4E What would make you decide against 4e?

    Well, I won't DM 4e if it takes as much or more work than DMing 3e. Everything WOTC has said makes it seem like that isn't the case, but in the end I'll have to see it to be sure. I'm not DMing 3e now for that very reason. If it is significantly easier than I'll start DMing again. As far...
  2. C

    Another name for the Warlord: Ayran

    You know what? I prefer: Priest instead of Cleric Warrior instead of Fighter Berserker instead of Barbarian Mage instead of Wizard But I haven't started threads about all of these. Why? Because no one cares, and it isn't going to change a damn thing. Here's what you do: When 4e comes...
  3. C

    Warlord vs. Tactician

    These polls are getting comical. Warlord always wins. Get over it already.
  4. C

    How Would 3.75 Impact Your 4.0 Decision

    I'll buy 4e. I won't buy 3.75, not because I don't think it's D&D, or it's not the official version. Just because I think it's a waste of money. How long do you think 3.75 can last? Even Paizo probably wouldn't continue supporting it for more than a year. They're not a charity organization...
  5. C

    Anatomy of an Apocalypse

    I prefer the Crisis on Infinite Torils theory.
  6. C

    Eladrin, warlords, and unnecessary D&Disms

    Well a completely separate division of the company gave us the name 'Gleemax'. The arm that actually brings in most of the profits. That came from the MTG developers, not the D&D people - I don't think there's any crossover in terms of people working on both games aside from artists. I've...
  7. C

    The missing Role: speculation on Healing rules

    Warlord = Healer and Cleric = Healer makes a lot of sense if they finally go all the way in treating hit points as exactly what D&D has always said they are: a combination of physical resilience plus skill, luck and fatigue. So the cleric can restore hit points by healing you of wounds and...
  8. C

    Pick your "Starter Town"

    Well since they've already chosen the town I voted for what I think they picked, not necessarily what I wish they would have picked. It is "more iconic than Saltmarsh" so to me that says it's pretty much down to the Keep and Hommlet. I'm going with Hommlet. Because AD&D > BD&D! Suck it...
  9. C

    Vancian Caster Alternative in future sourcebook?

    It should be no problem to do Vancian magic in 4e. Simply change all the 1/encounter spells into either 4/day, or 4 equivalent spells each 1/day. Problem solved. Of course then you're stuck with 3.x's problems with the 4 encounters per day assumption, but if you've already learned to handle...
  10. C

    Design and Development: Cosmology

    I think a default setting which includes outer space is a bad idea. That might fit some fantasy games, but definitely not all. It's the same reason psionics aren't in the core rules, and probably never will be again: lots of people don't want sci-fi elements mixed in with their fantasy. Also...
  11. C

    D&D 1E [For ORCUS] Convince me that I can "do 1E" with 4E

    My guess will be "Nothing that 2e hadn't already brought back." Did I get it right?
  12. C

    Wizards now more of a speciality magician

    20? You're worried about 20 classes? We'll probably see that by the end of 2008. What you should be worrying about is a game with 100 base classes.
  13. C

    Chris Thomasson playtest (Sep-26)

    I'd be fine with there being no such thing as a bow specialized fighter in 4e. If you want to specialize in melee, play a fighter. If you want to specialize in archery, play a ranger. That would be cool, and support them being separate roles. As far as wilderness skills being attached to...
  14. C

    Chris Thomasson playtest (Sep-26)

    "Blasting" could just be due to ranger damage being increased to the point where the old standby "plinking" was no longer applicable. But if rangers are actually tying dynamite to their arrows like the good ol boys and Rambo, this is indeed disturbing.
  15. C

    D&D 1E [For ORCUS] Convince me that I can "do 1E" with 4E

    I don't think 3e was a reversal of Skills and Powers. I see it more as taking the lessons learned and redoing it in a way that made more sense. Instead of using a point system to customize characters extensively (which led to the most rdiculous min-maxing I have ever seen in my life, I kid you...
  16. C

    Issues with news for today (Friday 21-Sep-2007)

    Another big part of conversion that probably won't be straightforward at all would be converting your gear. If 4e is designed to be less magic item dependent, then bringing over the same pile of loot could be either overpowering (for instance, if wealth guidelines have been reduced...
  17. C

    D&D 4E Weapon Sizes must die in 4E

    Yeah that's another stupid weapon size rule, but in this case it isn't any better in 3.5 either. The only way a centaur could wield larger weapons than a human would be if he strapped it to his horse back. Despite being larger, he still has human sized hands and arms which are the key...
  18. C

    Has anyone done the math on 2H weapon vs unarmed TWF?

    I think the no TWF unarmed thing is a rule specifically in the monk class, and not applicable in general.
  19. C

    Levels, what do they mean?

    In 3.5 all resurrectable creatures have souls, see the text of Raise Dead. In order for one's soul to agree to be raised, the soul must exist. Constructs, Outsiders, Elementals and Undead can't be raised (some of those may have souls, but just can't be rezzed for other reason). Everyone else...
  20. C

    Tome of Battle: Book of 9 Swords - Things to watch out for?

    You can't power attack on maneuvers?