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  1. Villanelle

    The Risen Goddess (Updated 3.10.08)

    Love it. I've got a baker's dozen reasons why I married you. Your storyhours are just icing on the ck-ake. You rock.
  2. Villanelle

    Magic : How streamlined do we want it?

    Well... I don't know, maybe I'm drawn to your thread because you seem to be actually talking about two things: spell-casting and gender. So I guess if you were really just trying to talk about spell casting then I apologize in advance, but I'm a girl and I like the long descriptions. I'll...
  3. Villanelle

    D&D 4E 4e Special Ability PER Encounter stinks...

    But back on topic, I love the idea of the Paladin getting to smite evil once per encounter. That's a great way for this mechanic to improve the game.
  4. Villanelle

    D&D 4E 4e Special Ability PER Encounter stinks...

    Yeah, that's what I was thinking. Even an encounter in which your player character has 30 different turns still only lasts five minutes in game time, but of course 2 to 3 hours in real time.
  5. Villanelle

    Will I still be able to enjoy ENWorld?

    Actually I'm new (obviously), but I'm pretty surprised it's not already organized that way. I love being able to see the link right on the Messageboards page to be able to go to talk about 4e D&D. I think it would be great to see it next to a link for 3e D&D, 2e, and 1e. But I'm freaky...
  6. Villanelle

    Will I still be able to enjoy ENWorld?

    (contact) was telling me that 4e coming out is going to bring him back to the ENWorld boards more often too. I imagine it will be happening with quite a few folks.
  7. Villanelle

    D&D 4E My reaction to 4e or, "A Breathe of Fresh Air"

    I am super super super super excited. It's pretty much all I want to talk about right now. Particularly just in light of the fact that I'm currently playing a 12th level Druid in the Savage Tide campaign and I love summoning animals to bring to the fight, but I hate trying to figure out the...
  8. Villanelle

    Who are these guys: Rob Heinsoo, Andy Collins, James Wyatt

    Heinsoo for VP. Wyatt is too creative. Not a bad thing for many vocations, but not great for VP. Heinsoo seemed more organized. We should totally get that bumper sticker made. Maybe we should wait until May though.
  9. Villanelle

    Who are these guys: Rob Heinsoo, Andy Collins, James Wyatt

    Then, I put a nickel on Noah's avatar to change to 4. Anyone want to match my bet?
  10. Villanelle

    Who are these guys: Rob Heinsoo, Andy Collins, James Wyatt

    James Wyatt and Rob Heinsoo really seemed like the coolest guys when they were giving their presentations on 4e. Like trueblood, extremely smart, nerds who maybe love DnD more than myself. Which I thought not possible. And Mike Mearls did Iron Heroes. It's the total awesomeness. Mike...
  11. Villanelle

    D&D 4E Social interactions in 4E

    That's what I was just thinking. If it's clunky let's just not use it. ;)
  12. Villanelle

    D&D 4E Will 4E be crunchy or smooth?

    Oh, is that why they're failing? Funny, all my friends play RPGs. And I hear attendance at this year's GenCon superseded previous years' attendance. Huh. I thought RPG's just helped you dream cooler dreams.
  13. Villanelle

    D&D 4E I am Happy They Finally Announced 4E

    OK, so now that you've made the personal evolution towards embracing your true self and your one love for pre-3E DnD, you'll promptly be excusing yourself from future threads regarding 4E. Because it's not your bag. Right?
  14. Villanelle

    Rodney Thompson on Magic Items

    Thanks for the link. This is one aspect of 4E I've been wondering about. Every trickle of a leak helps!
  15. Villanelle

    D&D 3E/3.5 3E sucks, but keep playing it for next few months

    Cognitive dissonance... it's human! And arguably universally so.
  16. Villanelle

    D&D 4E Will you buy 4e?

    Just back from GenCon, I could not be more excited about the release of 4E. I play two games a week using 3.5E and I love the system as it is. When I went to the Dungeons and Dragons Q&A on Saturday with James Wyatt and Rob Heinsoo, I was thinking there was no way they could improve on my...