• The VOIDRUNNER'S CODEX is coming! Explore new worlds, fight oppressive empires, fend off fearsome aliens, and wield deadly psionics with this comprehensive boxed set expansion for 5E and A5E!

Search results

  1. E

    [Mature] Very Bad Thing about to happen in game.

    So, an... event is about to happen to my PC in our D&D game. A female PC (I'm a guy, FYI). It's a Bad Thing. So, if you don't like to hear about A Very Bad thing that's almost exclusively to member of the female gender, you'll want to stop now. Oh, and it's Worse Than you Think. You have...
  2. E

    How much is that Mastodon in the window...

    So, working on an epic game and one of the players needs a mount. He's an Ogre, so he needs something a bit bigger than the standard horse. You say mounted Ogre, I think of a Mastodon. I'm funny like that. Anyway, I've got no clue how to price something like that, so I'm wondering if there...
  3. E

    Infernal Cogs of Diablos Ex Machina

    Diablos ex Machina Nowhere will you find a greater hive of scum and villainy... Stats: 32 point buy, plus level and racial bonuses ECL: 20th LA: Limited to +5, but any LA will be adjusted via racial traits (see house rules) Alignment: Any non-good, but Lawful and Evil will have certain...
  4. E

    [Epic 20] Diablos Ex Machina

    NOTE: We've now got more than 8 applicants (which is the limit of how many I'll start the game with), so please be advised that if I have to pick, I'll be doing so based on Concept 1st, Execution 2nd and Order of Application 3rd. - There is both good and evil in the vastness of the plans, two...
  5. E

    E6, Black Company Style {Possibly Diamond Throne}

    Since my Red Hand of Doom game is going so swimmingly *rollseyes*, I've been kicking around the idea of an unholy love child of E6 and the Black Company. I have a very rough idea for the start and the goal, but not much else ATM, so I'm just seeing if there is any interest in the idea. Also, I...
  6. E

    [E6] The Red Hand (IC I)

    The dry hills danced with fire. Across the wild badlands, called the Blood Hills by humans, great bonfires had been kindled atop the high ridges that looked down on the Elsir Vale. And between those ridges gathered thousands of warriors - any army of titan spawn the likes of which had not been...
  7. E

    Defenders of Elsir Vale [Red Hand E6]

    Um, like, PCs go here. OOC Thread Game Thread
  8. E

    E6 Red Hand of Doom (OOC)

    Ok, I think we have enough players to get started once the sheets are in. Characters Game Thread So, I've been reading about the Epic 6 d20 variant, and I've been wanting to run the Red Hand of Doom for some time now, and the two seem like a pretty good fit. This is more of me 'thinking...