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  1. Gradine

    The "I Didn't Comment in Another Thread" Thread

    Let's be honest, it wasn't worthwhile when it started. Also how are we, in the year of someone's lord 2024, still having debates if he's really that bad of a guy or not. Yes, undeniably. Next question.
  2. Gradine


    Zoey Alexandria, transgender artist, voice actress (Dead by Deadlight), and voice coach passed away last week at the age of 29.
  3. Gradine

    The "I Didn't Comment in Another Thread" Thread

    This but unironically. Also add a "pronouns" section to the official character sheet
  4. Gradine

    D&D General D&D Red Box: Who Is The Warrior?

    Which actually makes the comparison apt.
  5. Gradine

    The "I Didn't Comment in Another Thread" Thread

    Oh god, I'm so happy I reached the "let's pointlessly debate semantics" stage of the thread.
  6. Gradine

    The "I Didn't Comment in Another Thread" Thread

    Are they making a new Muppets movie in that thread? I've never seen so many (sock) puppets in one place before.
  7. Gradine

    The "I Didn't Comment in Another Thread" Thread

    Aww, I missed these arguments. No wait, no I don't
  8. Gradine

    Is it time for a new ENWorld demographics survey?

    Yeah, in that poll the median respondant was in the 45-50 age group. Meanwhile, the last site visitor demographics Morrus ran (at least that I could find) was in 2021, where the median age was in the lowest quartile of the 25-34 age group, which matches pretty well D&D's own demographics...
  9. Gradine

    Is it time for a new ENWorld demographics survey?

    I know Morrus has run Google Analytics to check the demographics of the visitors to the site. That's a different thing than the users on the forum. I would wager that the forum skews older than EnWorld site visitors writ large, which itself probably still skews older than the median D&D player...
  10. Gradine

    The "I Didn't Comment in Another Thread" Thread

    Boy, ain't that the truth. My A1C has been trending in the wrong direction for years now
  11. Gradine

    Kickstarter Deal-Breakers (Poll)

    Me, seeing this thread get revived: Oh hey, I remember that one. Blast from the past! Me, seeing this thread is only two and a half months old:
  12. Gradine

    newbies guide for Fallout 4

    What you're missing is that synths are keenly aware that they were built, made for a purpose, made for servitude. Most don't have personalities to begin with, and those that do have them programmed for the specific purposes of The Institute. What they have isn't life. What they are getting is...
  13. Gradine

    newbies guide for Fallout 4

    Yeah no, this ain't it at all. Synths want to live as human; they can't do that if they know that they're synths. They don't want to be synths, and they don't want there to be synths. It's a horrific experience. What they are giving up is nothing compared to what they are getting in return. It's...
  14. Gradine

    newbies guide for Fallout 4

    Of course if you run out of brackets and guesses you can always back out and reset the whole thing, there's basically never a reason to block out a computer
  15. Gradine

    newbies guide for Fallout 4

    I like the Railroad :(
  16. Gradine

    newbies guide for Fallout 4

    The settlement stuff would be so much better if it were in any way feasible to build actual buildings
  17. Gradine

    The Ethics of Two Way Ignore

    Ah, but see, if that person (let's say A) is in conversation with a person who has blocked you (B), well, by most social conventions you would not invited to that conversation. The online, asynchronous nature of the forum means that you still have access to a portion of the conversation, but a...
  18. Gradine

    The Ethics of Two Way Ignore

    I'm gonna be honest, I'm struggling to see the difference between this and actively engaging with people who have you on block. If enough people have you blocked that you can't rightfully follow along with the conversation, that might be a sign that you're not invited to that conversation.