• The VOIDRUNNER'S CODEX is LIVE! Explore new worlds, fight oppressive empires, fend off fearsome aliens, and wield deadly psionics with this comprehensive boxed set expansion for 5E and A5E!

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  1. michaeljpatrick

    Free FREE Encounter Map- Tomb of the Vampire.

    Hey, for Halloween I'm posting a free map on my DriveThruRPG store- Tomb of the Vampire! http://www.drivethrurpg.com/product/160869/Hazards-and-Horrors-Tomb-of-the-Vampir
  2. vampirecover.jpg


  3. michaeljpatrick

    D&D 5E How dangerous are your wildnernesses?

    If I feel like running an adventure that takes place in the wilderness then it's just as deadly as anyplace adventure happens. If it's just along the way to the fun part then I fast forward.
  4. michaeljpatrick

    D&D 5E My favorite race- what I play, what I want to see

    Gnomes are my favorite and have been for years. I'm actually surprised to see they placed as high as they did in this poll since most people consider them a joke. That's what I like about them, though. It's fun to be the one that no one expects anything of. In 5E halflings look pretty good too...
  5. michaeljpatrick

    D&D 5E Does anyone actually track rations?

    I haven't so far in my current campaign. I may if it becomes more of a survival style game for us, but so far it's been more high adventure and ridiculous situations.
  6. michaeljpatrick

    D&D 5E How fast do you play D&D?

    My current campaign has been running for a year and a half. Highest level character is 7. The other four are all level 6. We've played nearly every week for 2-3 hours on average. Usually on one or two encounters per session. The first session they all made it to level two. Then it took two or...
  7. michaeljpatrick

    Looking for Artiest and Cartographer

    Hi. I do illustrations and maps on Fiverr. You can see my work here: https://www.fiverr.com/michaeljpatrick
  8. michaeljpatrick

    D&D 5E Do you think we will get an Oriental Adventures setting for 5th edition?

    I think you're misinterpreting which side of the discussion I happen to be on. I was listing common arguments that are used to justify usage of the word "oriental", not actually supporting them. That's why they are in quotes. The fact that "Asian" and "Orient" are synonyms is irrelevant...
  9. michaeljpatrick

    D&D 5E A Monster Making tool for 5e

    This is really cool. Now I just need to come up with a good monster idea.
  10. michaeljpatrick

    D&D 5E Sleep Deprivation Rules?

    I think one level of fatigue for every 24 hours is a good way to go. Just make sure they know that on the 6th day they will die.
  11. michaeljpatrick

    D&D 5E Do you think we will get an Oriental Adventures setting for 5th edition?

    That's cool, I guess. But I never said anything about an Asian themed supplement being "traditionally accurate" nor did I mention Ninjas. Maybe you meant to quote and respond to some other post? The portion of my post that you quoted was about the term "Oriental" and how it's probably not a...
  12. michaeljpatrick

    D&D 5E Do you think we will get an Oriental Adventures setting for 5th edition?

    I didn't say that non-asians could not or should not make an RPG supplement in an Asian inspired setting. So I'm not really sure where you're coming from here.
  13. michaeljpatrick

    Parent - New 5e Background

    I wonder if this could work for a "Lone Wolf and Cub" type character.
  14. michaeljpatrick

    D&D 5E DMG's definition of "Deadly" is much less deadly than mine: Data Aggregation?

    I've had really uneven results with CR in this edition. I find that the biggest challenge is several monsters that each have a CR slightly under the party's average level with maybe one or two that are at or above it. Bucket o' HP monsters fare the worst. A group of 4-5 PCs can whittle down a...
  15. michaeljpatrick

    D&D 5E Do you think we will get an Oriental Adventures setting for 5th edition?

    Probably best to name it anything other than "Oriental Adventures". Not sure why some folks are hung up on that. It's just a name. The word "oriental" is offensive to some people. It's that simple. Sure you can argue all day about why it shouldn't be offensive to some people ("It's just another...