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  1. J

    D&D 4E 4e Battle Tactic: Murder by Pinball

    This is an interesting arguement since Merriam-Webster says this about Hinder (yes, I got the real definition). transitive verb 1 : to make slow or difficult the progress of : hamper 2 : to hold back : check intransitive verb : to delay, impede, or prevent action Now, technically...
  2. J

    Fighter Level 2 Utilities

    I like Boundless Endurance. I find it great in combat, able to heal you more HP than the temp hp given from Unstoppable. My group plays it that the encounter continues until the players end it, so in any combat that the fighter ends in the Boundless stance, the group can wait a few rounds...
  3. J

    Combat Challenge and Opportunity Attack

    Not that I'm trying to get you to change your mind, but I think it is right and is exactly what the designers intended, especially of the defender classes. I think they wanted to have characters who could hold narrow passes or stand in front of their allies and cut down hordes of minions as...
  4. J

    Why Knock Someone Prone Anymore?

    There is at least 1 cleric power that slides the person and knocks them prone. There are probably others for other classes as well. There are also zone/walls powers that deal damage when you move through them or start your turn in one. Perhaps this is just my interpretation of it, but setting...
  5. J

    Paladin's Divine Challenge

    I would say "no." In fact, I think this is exaclty like a close area attack. The attack power allows the orc to target two people, and the paladin is one of the targets of that attack single power. Whether the power had multiple rolls to hit and damage doesn't seem to matter, otherwise a...
  6. J

    Stats that don't have + Stat mod

    The additional damage from Cleave and the damage on a miss from Reaping Strike doesn't get weapon and feat mods? In reading the PHB, I understood that static numbers did not get modified but that variables did. If something said "this deals 5 ongoing damage" nothing added to that 5. That 5 is...
  7. J

    Core Handbook Errors Discussion

    You could mend most of it, if you set it at an angle against a wall...
  8. J

    Something "Shifty" Going On (Spoiler Warning!!!)

    It's a matter of defining "action" I suppose. Action = one of the three, Move, Standard, or Minor action = some sort of movement, act, or event which could be part of a larger Action. The action that triggers the reaction is the moving into the adjacent square, which is a part of the larger...
  9. J

    Something "Shifty" Going On (Spoiler Warning!!!)

    Actually I think Logan wasn't thinking of it like an interrupt, but rather looking at the trigger event. Emphasis mine. The Trigger is when an eneny moves adjacent to the kobold, not when an enemy ends it movement adjacent. This means this trigger can occur and the reactionis completed...
  10. J

    Excerpt: Swarms

    So you believed that WotC was beseiged by swarm requests (swarmed by them, even) so much so that a swarm of protesters marched out to know how swarms worked? And that they locked the designers in a room with 100,000 ants to better model swarms for a game and shoved their hands into boxes of...
  11. J

    Are PCs expected to beat skill challenges?

    Gotcha. So defeating the skill challenge is like an alterative ending to winning the battle. If you pull it off, you could win it faster and without the damage of a knock-down, drag-out fight. But lose it and you make winning the fight a little more difficult. Would still like to see some...
  12. J

    Are PCs expected to beat skill challenges?

    I agree. The "on failure" thing is kinda of suck, making the rest of the fight more difficult. Closing the portal is a cool idea, and it is difficult. Success, as written, only makes the ending more final and failure, as written, only hurts the players. There is no reason to try if...
  13. J

    Are PCs expected to beat skill challenges?

    Does it? It sounded like this would be something going on DURING the last fight, not before it. Unless in my quick read of the end battle left me missing who the end boss actually was. I thought this skill challange was designed to ruin the ritual and thus save the day even if combat was...
  14. J

    When did you enjoy 3.x?

    I liked 3.0 and 3.5 when I first started playing them. There was a time when ignorance was bliss and everything looked new and shiny and awesome. After playing through a few games, we all learned how to customize, which spells were the win, which feats were the suck, and which PrCs really...
  15. J

    Detect Magic is Dead

    What if you have a book-smart Fighter and a combat-happy Wizard? There is little within a class that determines if you spend your free time in a library or getting into bar brawls. If you are going on making people feel special, wouldn't it make a book-worm fighter feel special if he could be...
  16. J

    Dragonborn MAD

    I can't imagine why you would worry about trying to get a little more of a bonus out of a racial ability rather than boosting those stats that will affect all of your class abilities throughout your career. If you max this one thing, it hampers the rest of your pwers. No worries there. I also...
  17. J

    How do wandering merchants survive?

    I got the impression that the magic items were the icing on the cake for the wandering merchant. They go to a city, load up on utility items and things that smaller towns might not be able to get readily, and they make their rounds. They plan to hit certain places knowing that Lakeside doesn't...
  18. J

    My attempt at a martial controller: The Monk

    I thought about making a wierd stipulation about the monk being able to move out of this terrain with the special, making it a teleport out (but that seemed too over the top), or even monks as a class feature not being bothered by difficult terrain, but I decided to withhold such statements. I...
  19. J

    My attempt at a martial controller: The Monk

    I think Cadfad really hit it with this statement. A controller does influence the movement of the enemies, hindering movement or moving them as necessary. But I don't think the controller does it so that he, specifically, can set up more attacks from it. Sure, moving and routing enemies into...
  20. J

    Why does epic level play entail treating death as a "speed bump"?

    Cause it's a weapon not a class. Look again. :)