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  1. Carnivorous_Bean

    Advice on starting a new 3rd edition campaign.

    I was thinking of starting a new 3rd edition campaign after seeing the color of 4th edition (which I was originally excited about) and deciding that it's just too bland and one-dimensional for me. So, I'm thinking about this campaign -- none of my players are real power gamers, so 'build...
  2. Carnivorous_Bean

    Finally got 4e: initial impressions

    Well, I used the prize I won in Jorgen's mythological creature wiki contest to buy a PDF copy of the 4th edition PHB today. I've only had a couple of hours to 'thumb through' it, and I still have a difficult time reading PDFs as compared to books, but I do have a couple of observations from my...
  3. Carnivorous_Bean

    Witch Hunter: time for buyer's remorse?

    Well, based on some reviews and what I read here, I bought a copy of Witch Hunter: the Invisible World. It had a lot of elements that I like. A 17th century setting (one of my favorite historical periods except for Medieval times); the idea of at least pseudo-horror in that time...
  4. Carnivorous_Bean

    4th Edition Mounted Combat ... did I miss anything?

    My games are typically centered around outdoor adventures and the like, and because of that, my PCs usually equip themselves with steeds at the earliest convenience. I say "steeds" because there are no horses in my campaign setting, ;) but that's beside the point. What I'm wondering is, have...