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  1. B

    D&D 4E The Usage of the Non-Sequitur "4e is a Tactical Skirmish Game"

    As a 4e advocate, I am not sure what this poll is suppose to show. What is the use of polling what I was thinking someone else was thinking when they were saying something. My personal theory is that all this poll will show is that we tend to think the worse of people with whom we have major...
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    [Very Long] Combat as Sport vs. Combat as War: a Key Difference in D&D Play Styles...

    I agree with Abdul. There is definitely a point where a ruthless CaW DM could go to far. Adventurers meet for the first time in an inn. Inn explodes.
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    [Very Long] Combat as Sport vs. Combat as War: a Key Difference in D&D Play Styles...

    Really great thread with some really interesting posts. Here is a thought, what would you need in 5e to make it CaW friendly?
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    [Very Long] Combat as Sport vs. Combat as War: a Key Difference in D&D Play Styles...

    Correct me if I'm mistaken, but should CaW be defined as when a player makes a decision which a DM must arbitrate without the use of explicit rule, but based on a combination of how the game system arbitrates similar situations and a understanding of how a logical world might operate. Does that...
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    Help me design a cool encounter

    you could let your PC's ride the the spokes of the watermill up to different levels of the mill which would give them an alternative to just using stairs. They could even use it to get surprise rounds on the anything on the second or third floor.
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    The Opposite of Envy

    I think aesthetically symmetry shouldn't be understated. The seven deadly sins are a relatively medieval concept. And symmetry was an important aspect of their particular world view. The world was suppose to have symmetry because that was how nature was suppose to operate. The symmetry really...
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    Players: Have You Ever Asked, "Why Don't You Take Care Of It?"

    The best solution would be to take the characters at their world and let the NPC try and handle the situation by himself and fail. If the PC's ignore Fate knocking, that is their prerogative, but fate can be persistent. If the NPC fails eventually they are likely going to have to handle the...
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    Advice: Consequences for a player's mistakes

    I think that Celebrim's idea is brilliant. Not only would it make for an amazing quest, but it would also be a great plot for a murder mystery. I second his notion. Have a formal military trial for the character where he is assured he will be aquitted because he was obviously putting the good of...
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    Players: Have You Ever Asked, "Why Don't You Take Care Of It?"

    I guess I've never understood this complaint. To use an analogy, if I worked at Microsoft and Bill Gates asked me to do something, I wouldn't say, "you're a genius, you figure it out." I've always assumed that the world my adventurer was in was teeming with "end-of-the-world" scenarios and...
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    Act structure in adventure design

    I liked both the the three-act structure of the OP and the "Chekov's Gun" idea. I think the major asset of Chekov's gun is that it makes lvl 1-5 play feel much more relevance. Usually when I DM a game from lvl 1-5, I have a hard time tying it in to whatever large world-ending plot I have just...
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    Forgotten Realms Game narrowly evades absolute disaster

    Uh oh, I see a time paradox happening. "Power cards, where we're going we don't need power cards!'
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    4E Consequences: Being passive, cautious, or a loner is now unoptimized

    In my 3E game, we have a 7th lvl cleric that recently was able to do over 500 hundred points of damage on a critical hit. The guy is a massive powergamer and not only can he do obscene amounts of damage in combat like a striker, he can also take large amounts of damage do to high hp's, good...
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    The Nature of the Game Itself

    The interesting idea behind your post, and also in role playing games in general, is that the tools for modification of the game world are immediately at your disposal. Imagine, if you will the variety of video games that we would see if they were as available to modification and crafting. The...
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    Dragon & Dungeon--Any Free Content?

    I don't know. I'm kind of bummed about the WOTC site. I realize that there is some stuff that is free, but it actually is kind of hard to find, and mostly relating to minatures or other things. Certainly the magazines shouldn't be free, and soon as I get some time and money on my hands, I plan...
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    The Problem of Evil [Forked From Ampersand: Wizards & Worlds]

    One thing about evil in dungeons and dragons is that there are really more then just one kind of evil, and evil, even in the crunch mechanics of dungeons and dragons doesn't necessarily fit cleanly into the alignment axis of 3.5. Take for example the evil of orcs and hobgoblins as opposed to the...
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    The Problem of Evil [Forked From Ampersand: Wizards & Worlds]

    I don't understand why roleplaying games aren't the perfect format to talk about ontological evil. First, the fact that it is a game means there's never the risk of stepping on people's toes, unlike if you talked about say the united states and its treatment of indigenous natives, or the bath...
  17. B

    The Problem of Evil [Forked From Ampersand: Wizards & Worlds]

    I don't understand why roleplaying games aren't the perfect format to talk about ontological evil. First, the fact that it is a game means there's never the risk of stepping on people's toes, unlike if you talked about say the united states and its treatment of indigenous natives, or the bath...
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    D&D 4E No Roleplaying XP in 4e

    I've played some incredibly entertaining hack-and-slash games. I've also played some incredibly entertaining and involving roleplaying games that were character intensive and involved a lot of in-depth character growth. However, some of the WORST games I have ever played (and I've played a...