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  1. C

    SEAL character

    I'm working on a new character that is coming into the campaign at 5th level. The group (PCs) that this character is joining consists of a cleric of Tempus, two paladins of Torm, and a mageblade (yes, it is the forgotten realms, and yes the GM allowed one player to play a Monte Cook’s Arcana...
  2. C

    Mesoamerican Campaign?

    First off, do you think that this locale is possible given the 3.5e rule set? Obviously, I think so, but oftentimes my imagination and desire for coolness overlooks something very basic and it all comes crashing down on me, usually putting an extremely bad taste in my mouth. I want to avoid...
  3. C

    Identifying Wands

    Surely someone have discussed this before, but since apparently *I* missed it... How do you identify wand in your campaign? I once thought that if the wand's spell was in the class list, then any character that had that class would automatically know what spell the wand held. I've also seen...
  4. C

    A DnD Circus

    I'm working on an adventure that takes place in a travelling circus/caravan. Creating the NPCs is the hard part. :) Can anyone help with unique and interesting NPCs. I'm going to post the ones i've written so far, but likethey say, more heads than one is better than one head. :lol: So here...