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  1. Tehnai

    [Dungeon World] AP Hall of the Vampire Queen

    Find my AP for Dungeon world over here Enjoy! I'll be posting a second one tomorrow, playing with a different group.
  2. Tehnai

    [Dungeon World] AMA on reddit

    Sage, Adam and Emily are hosting an AMA on dungeon world right now. Find it here!
  3. Tehnai

    Abstract long rests

    I'm not one to care much about the whole "resting for a night brings you back to full health" thing, but it seems to be at the heart of many debates on these boards. I think it's as such for simplicity's sake, myself, that being said, I can think of a very simple solution. Why not make the...
  4. Tehnai

    Playtest report - English edition

    ... Because I'm running the game with my French group next week. Before I do anything, let's meet our participants! GM Nai: That would be me, I've started playing DnD about 12 years ago with a single session of Second Edition, and then moved on to third, which I played essentially every day...
  5. Tehnai

    Compiled possible character sheet errors?

    Like all of you, I'm currently breaking apart the character sheets trying to figure out what goes where, and I'm not the only one who saw discrepancies here and there. This is hardly a critique of the playtesting material, just a little analysis of what feels off about the character sheets...
  6. Tehnai

    Rogue schemes and other classes

    I was reading about the rogue's schemes in the article and started thinking "What if this is the way classes are going to be built?". Every class would have its set of base abilities (The fighter getting more damage/extra attacks or whatever, cleric getting spellcasting and turn...
  7. Tehnai

    General Playtest Speculation Thread

    Alright, so what we know about the play test is: -There will be 5 characters (one of each core class, one extra cleric, and at least one of each 4 core race) -The adventure is a starting level adventure. A part of Keep on the Borderlands (or an adventure called The Caves of Chaos that has...
  8. Tehnai

    Is anybody else seeing C&C here?

    I was reading over the Skill and Ability Score Seminar and most of the mechanical aspects of reworked skills and abilities screamed Castles & Crusades to me. To those not familiar with the retro-clone, all saves are based on abilities, that are either Primed (things that you are good at) or...
  9. Tehnai

    D&D 5E [Book Wyrms] Digital distribution and the next edition

    Am I just being hopeful, or will the next edition be available in ebook form?
  10. Tehnai

    What if they're on to something

    So, I've been pretty active here (after years of not even stalking these forums) ever since the announcement of the new D&D, I enjoy wild speculation as much as the next guy, and honestly believe that someone at WotC is being paid, right now, to read absolutely everything we say about D&DN (if...
  11. Tehnai

    On magical items

    There's been a lot of noise on this board about magical items, the christmas tree effect and so on. I see a lot of people saying that they would love to bring back the uniqueness of magical items to D&D, how they miss the sense of wonder that would bring finding a magical sword back in the 80's...
  12. Tehnai

    Musing on classes, their numbers and mechanics

    I'm sure we can all agree that the next iteration of our beloved game will have classes. There's hardly anything as iconically D&D than claiming that your character is a "12th level wizard", thus, it's a safe bet that both levels and classes won't leave D&D and never come back. Thus, let us...
  13. Tehnai

    Power to the players!

    Hiya folks! I'm trying to figure out a way to give the players more narative power in my weekly DnD game. I've been thinking using something similar to the FATE points from SOTC, but I'm still not sure. I wanted to know if you guys had any suggestion.
  14. Tehnai

    3-man party.

    Hey folks. Due to recent events, my crew lost a couple of players just before our secondary campain (we're running two campains in the same setting, with different DMs, alternating every week). So we're down to 3 players (I'll find more, the fourth is on vacation for a little over a month, and...
  15. Tehnai

    The goblin BombMage

    Alright, so we have goblins and we think: Yeah, those guys are nasty little buggers. Now, what could make them nastier... The obvious way would be to use traps. Now I enjoy fire, and that being said, I believe most goblins would also enjoy burning their enemies to smithereens, thus the idea...
  16. Tehnai

    The new classes nicknames!

    So back in the days, we had CODzilla, Batman... yeah... One of my players and myself started extrapolating on the new nicknames of every classes! Here I go, feel free to add anything. The Cleric Nickname: Magical girl (Also Sakura, Sailor Moon) Justification: Alright, think about the...
  17. Tehnai

    The Enworld Rogue

    Hey folks, just wondered if someone could link me that homemade rogue that was made on the forums not to long ago. I'm planning on a playtest and I'd like to have, can't seem to find it, sadly.
  18. Tehnai

    [song] Thanks Gary Gygax

    I have no idea if that's been posted yet, but hey, nothing to lose. The song is genius!
  19. Tehnai

    Point of light: Katamari meets DnD

    C'mon, think about it. Heroes start small, in tiny, low population town, fighting small threats, cutesy kobolds and killing the wolves who're eating the livestock. In Katamari Damacy, you start tiny, eating up candies and toys, until you grow and start gobbling up buildings. In both case, you...