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  1. E

    Wizard Combo: Bleeding the Storm

    Checked up on the movement rules, and sadly there is an entry under forced movement in the combat rules that says pushing pulling, etc. is not a move. The ruling however only deals with how forced movement affects the creature's own ability to move. It does not address the issue of forced moves...
  2. E

    Wizard Combo: Bleeding the Storm

    Mmm...yummy. My hunch is the damage adds won't work because they go against the precedent set by Hunter's Quarry and Sneak Attack (damage bonus to one attack per round). But I haven't found anything that explicitly says so, so that means a boy can dream.... My guess is Bolstering Blood will be...
  3. E

    Wizard Combo: Bleeding the Storm

    Thanks for crushing my spirit. ;)
  4. E

    Wizard Combo: Bleeding the Storm

    Got a source for the constant bonuses thing? I found the reference in the PHB that rules out applying bonuses to static or ongoing damage, but the 1d6 from Blood Pulse is neither. As for the warlord thing, yeah, everybody should push an enemy around. Kick 'em in the shins, they love it...
  5. E

    Wizard Combo: Bleeding the Storm

    Totally forgot to fire off Blood Action! Round One: 1. Standard action--Toss a magic missile 2. Cook off an action point to gain another standard action with Blood Action (don't forget Commanding Presence goodies from party's warlord) 3. Free Action--Trigger Bolstering Blood 4. Second...
  6. E

    Wizard Combo: Bleeding the Storm

    If someone else has this one, sorry for the repeat: Got to be 13th level to do this one, and have the Blood Mage Paragon Path. Round One: Use your Bolstering Blood feature as a free action to give yourself a 1d10 or 2d10 wound: the amount of damage you deal to yourself is equal to the amount...
  7. E

    The guy who leaked the Core Books was a:

    If there hasn't been a call for this already, perhaps the poll choices need to be expanded: Herobag: Mostly a hero, but still a jerk for monkey-wrenching the release date, piracy, etc. Douchero: Mostly a douchebag, whose actions will produce a measurable amount of good for somebody, somewhere...
  8. E

    Power Cards

    Crap. My mistake, quick flip through.
  9. E

    D&D 4E 4E PrRC ~v2.7~ FINAL UPDATE May 29.08

    Thank you very much, everyone who contributed to the pre-release rules. Awesome job.
  10. E

    Power Cards

    Back of the DMG, you can run them off.
  11. E

    The guy who leaked the Core Books was a:

    Teach me to post without reading all of the thread....
  12. E

    The guy who leaked the Core Books was a:

    The guy that leaked is...a paid Wizard's stooge. If you intend to play the game around your gaming table, you'll want those sexy books with their cool smell and the way geek books feel in your hands, and the pdf's just make you anticipate the real thing even more. Wizards win. If you were on...
  13. E

    Ice Archon

    I see the simmy explanation to the ice archon's "resists but not immune to cold" thing as this: All living creatures have a range of temps in which they are most comfortable. Push a critter too far in either direction, and you get damage and possibly death. Elemental creatures live, although...
  14. E

    Ice Archon

    Checking the Math Using JohnSnow's solution for the Pit Fiend stats yields some interesting nuggets to ponder until the D&D Experience: Fort = 10 (base + 13 (con mod +1/2 level) yields 23, or 10 short Ref = 10 (base) + 16 (dex mod + 1/2 level) yields 26 or 5 short Will = 10 (base) + 13 (wis...
  15. E

    Pit Fiend Defenses Explained

    I've mostly conceded on that one. The idea popped in my head this afternoon with all of the finesse of a 10# sledge. That line about precedent got me thinking about the other side of the assumption I made when I was running the numbers. I assumed a flat base 20 for the calculation of the tier's...
  16. E

    Pit Fiend Defenses Explained

    Precedent may not be an issue. If WoTC is really gunning for a fast system for the DM to use with monsters, they may have taken a route similar to what I laid out. Granted, your take on it doesn't exactly dwaddle either....
  17. E

    Pit Fiend Defenses Explained

    Ah, but in this case, my wild speculation led you down a profitable avenue of exploration. Sorry, I was feeling a bit snitty earlier. Actually, once you pointed out the CHA bonus, I immediately thought of the archfiends from Book of Vile Darkness, and with that in place, the numbers fell very...
  18. E

    Pit Fiend Defenses Explained

    Thanks for the backhanded compliment. Question: Did you run this line of reasoning before or after you read this thread? :p This is interesting. It seems that the Spined Devil gets +3 to all its defenses just because. But, if we assume that devils get to add their base CHA bonus to all their...
  19. E

    Pit Fiend Defenses Explained

    Yeah, ran the numbers on the spined devil and got this too. I chalk up the +3 discrepancy to the difference between 4th RPG and 4th D&D minis rules. Would guess that either the LVL 6, the SKIRMISHER or even the mini point value grants the +3. I'm more leery of the unmentioned elite bonus for...
  20. E

    Pit Fiend Defenses Explained

    Spined Devil matches this exactly, as well. Cool, I hadn't checked that yet. If I wasn't at work, I'd test this against all the recently-released minis stats, too (presumably DEF = avg of REF/FORT/WILL) Yeah, my lunch break is cooked, now.