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  1. M

    D&D 5E Character team ideas

    1 minute buffs would probably run out, really depends on how much epople try to sneak, take it slow or rush in. I would say an average match runs between 1-5 minutes of in game. That being said, if you wait and time it right, a 1 minute buff can have greay effect, depending on style of play...
  2. M

    D&D 5E Character team ideas

    the neat aprt will be players don't know the layout previously, so they could end up playing melee in a wide open arena or a ranged attacker in enclosed spaces. i'm going to be making a bunhc of "pre-gen" teams for my people to try at the end of the month.
  3. M

    D&D 5E Character team ideas

    Great quesiton about rests. so there are no rests once combat starts. its a burn em if you got em scenario, which may play better to some classes and worse for others. I think a cleric is certianly a strong choice for the level 1 sidekick, they heal, buff, ranged spells, and melee attack and...
  4. M

    D&D 5E Character team ideas

    Hi folks, I am looking for a few ideas for 2 character teams that will engage in arena style combat vs. monsters, NPCS, and maybe even other PC teams. I understand some combos are better against certain types, what I'm looking for is neat ideas, fun to play combos, or ones that might be...
  5. M

    D&D 5E Build advice

    And Lindsey Stirling , wow that's very cool. I think I'm gonna go warlock fiddler. The eldritch blast can be retooled well. Pact of tome can be a book of sheet music! hmm. Fey, fiend, great old one, or death patrons?
  6. M

    D&D 5E Build advice

    I certainly want to be playing the fiddle in combat. I like the idea of re-purposing magic to work through the fiddle. The bow being fiddle bow being his arcane focus and the movements and sound being the verbal and somatic components.
  7. M

    D&D 5E Build advice

    I didn't even think about Noble, but that could be an intersting way to take this character. I mean who ever heard of a noble fiddler wandering around with Adventurers. Would he be Sheltered and arrogant? or more wordly and eccentric? The classes i htink could be played with fiddle in hand...
  8. M

    D&D 5E Build advice

    Bard hit me as an obvious choice, given the music instrument prof. I guess it would need to be a lore bard, to make the most use of the fiddle. I'm curious what else might work. Trying to think outside the box. Oh and this would probably be running the new season of Adventure leaque, so a...
  9. M

    D&D 5E Build advice

    Looking for help with a build for an adventure league game.The concept is a fiddler, preferabaly a character than can fiddle and kickbutt in combat.What class or classes would you consider?
  10. M

    Soanso's Fireside Chat: Rise of the Runelords (AE)

    Mundin's Kill Count through 1st module is 40!. These are all of the enemies that Mundin Ironhand got the killing blow with his axe Goblins (regular)= 23. Skeleton Wolf= 1. Skeleton =1. Sin Spawn = 2. Korvus (mutated by waters of lamashtu) = 1. Giant Rat=1. Goblin dogs = 5. Tangletooth...
  11. M

    Arendel’s Serpent's Skull Journal. (Complete! 06/25/13, With Pictures!)

    The stone golem WHat my good friend,*cough, cough* failed to mention is that Ace (thats my summoner) dropped the golem into a nice deep pit filled with acid. This did a decent amoutn of damage as well as allowing the rest of the party time to buff and position themselves.
  12. M

    Arendel’s Serpent's Skull Journal. (Complete! 06/25/13, With Pictures!)

    Message to House Thrune My lady I regret the delay in my first letter. No doubt you have received word of our shipwreck, though word of my death is quite exaggerated. I am pleased to inform you that the weeks spent on the Shiv have yielded unexpected fruits. It is the assessment of my...
  13. M

    Barrow of the Forgotten Story Hour - Complete! 8/13/08

    Only desperation was the paladin, Tristan. Even the wolf had a better time than him. Bootsy hung back and casty spells and launched crossbow bolts unscathed, Celtir did likewise with bow and clerical spells, and Wencis was able to charge into melee with the taskmaster and not take damage...
  14. M

    Barrow of the Forgotten Story Hour - Complete! 8/13/08

    Playing with this group i'm finding that we're more about power than finesse. which makes me wonder about which soulmelds to shape. the soulspark sucked up 3 hits from the shade each draining 3 strenght! considering all the damage he soacks up, i find it hard to not use him. with all the dr...
  15. M

    Barrow of the Forgotten Story Hour - Complete! 8/13/08

    the spire I think wencis really enjoys letting the tiny soul spark be his meat shield only 20 hps and it didn't die the entire time. throwing the hammer from afar defiently kept him concious the entire session which is a nice change. since the level up wencis can now share his soulmelds with...
  16. M

    Barrow of the Forgotten Story Hour - Complete! 8/13/08

    after playing characters that are very obscure, a binder, sword sage, and incarnate i thi9nk my next character will be just a plain gnomish thief
  17. M

    Barrow of the Forgotten Story Hour - Complete! 8/13/08

    why do you think i want him to be a paladin huh? its the only way i'm safe
  18. M

    Barrow of the Forgotten Story Hour - Complete! 8/13/08

    It would have been a much more entertaining story had i actually been slain by the party cleric. oh, well guess i get to keep my character a little longer