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  1. D

    Epic Level Spells: Better or Worse than 9th level spells?

    At 24th lvl you might be able to cast a DC 70 spell, but you'd have to spend 25000 XP before you knew the spell. Personally I think the XP is kinda steep just to learn a spell... at least with some of the spells. I mean taking a spell seed and replecating teleport I think came out in the 40's...
  2. D

    Draconic Transformation Epic Spell

    I've presented an earlier version of this on wizards messageboard but I'm not getting a whole lot of feedback so I figured I'd post it here and see what everyone thinks. Draconic Transformation Conjuration ( Healing) Spellcraft DC: 31 Components: V,S,DF,XP Casting Time: 7 Days Target: Personal...
  3. D

    Epic feats and prestige class prereqs

    I was just curious if anyone would allow an epic version of a similar regular feat subsitute for a prestige class prereq. Like Archmage requires the feat of skill focus:spell craft. Well if i'm already 20+ lvl and I can get the epic skill focus would you let a PC use that to satisfy the prereq...
  4. D

    Racial Skill Bonuses

    Maybe my question was worded bad. I am wondering if an elven lich would have +10 to listen (+2 elf, +8 lich) or +8 just take the better. I think listen is one of the common skills to the 2 that gets a bonus.
  5. D

    Racial Skill Bonuses

    Do racial skill bonuses stack. Like if a race with a skill bonus to say listen and they have a template that has a racial skill bonus to that do they add, or just take the best. I know the DM talk about this in regards to magical bonuses. Do the racial bonuses follow the same rule.
  6. D

    Stat Block Website

    I seem to recall seeing a website before that had stat blocks for all the monsters in the MM. Anyone know the address for this site?
  7. D

    Question: Disruption and Undead

    Reading the disruption description a while ago I was thinking to myself that it actually seemed pretty powerful since undead mostly have pretty bad Fort saving throws, especially liche's since most of them just have mage lvls. Of course there is magic and other stuff that could be used to...
  8. D

    A shade becoming a lich

    I just wondered if anyone had checked this out in the rules. Since becoming a shade you are an outsider. Can the lich template be applied to an outsider? I know it talks in the Forgotten realms campaign book that the leader of the shades may be working on becoming a lich because he's so old and...