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  1. evil_rmf

    Good source for crazy ramblings?

  2. evil_rmf

    1001 Nonfiction Books That D&Ders will want to read.

    227. geography behind history by Gordon East. very handy for world building 228. The influence of Sea power on Ancient history by Chester Starr 229. Ancient Engineers by L. Spraugue DeCamp (nonfiction!!!) 230. Dictionary of Fabulous beasts by Richard Barber 231. Icelandic folktales and legends...
  3. evil_rmf

    RPG Piracy

    You're right, I'm sure this topic has been flogged to death before.
  4. evil_rmf

    RPG Piracy

    Please drop the condescending attitiude. Just because something doesn't occur to you in a few minutes of thought doesn't mean it is impossible.
  5. evil_rmf

    RPG Piracy

    My machine at home, where i would be looking through my RPG stuff is not mail enabled. I have another machine which tunnels through my firewall and uses an external mail client for mail reading. No, mailto: does not work from my main home machine. incoming packets on port 25 are bounced off...
  6. evil_rmf

    RPG Piracy

    Except for Hal and few others, the publishers have been, um, exceedingly silent in the thread. Have they just given up and accept this as the cost of doing business, or are they taking names and IP addresses as Drawmack has pointed out?:confused:
  7. evil_rmf

    RPG Piracy

    "I" don't pirate as it is. Stuff like that would get cracked. My firewall would not allow outgoing e-mail anyway. And I'd hate to miss out on a great product because of someone's mis-guided, though understandable and maybe justified, attempts to protect their work. As for NWN, nope, don't...
  8. evil_rmf

    RPG Piracy

    No prob! It's tough being human!
  9. evil_rmf

    RPG Piracy

    I can guarantee you I, and others much smarter than me, would know, and the word would get out. I would never purchase a product which did something like that. No way, no how. EDIT: I do like the watermark idea. I wonder how much that would add to the cost of the books. Again, piracy leads...
  10. evil_rmf

    RPG Piracy

    OK, I'll buy that. But what if when <insert favorite small press or pdf-only author> was trying to decide whether or not to start their business looked at all of the piracy and just said, "Screw it, there is too much piracy." and never got off the ground? We would have missed out out on some...
  11. evil_rmf

    RPG Piracy

    One man's trash is another's treasure. Who are any of us, as a single consumer, to decide what products are good and bad?
  12. evil_rmf

    RPG Piracy

    Absolutley not. It is not OK. That was not the intent of my post. The intent was to point out that RPG piracy is actually worse than the theft of the loaf of bread. I actually took up for guys like you.
  13. evil_rmf

    RPG Piracy

    In principle I agree with your point, and I appreciate what you are getting at, however, this analogy doesn't quite hold up. My points are nit-picky to be sure, but I think it illustrates that RPG piracy has somewhat different results than theft of physical objects. If you steal a loaf of...
  14. evil_rmf

    RPG Piracy

    You hit the nail right on the head! It's all about "he who dies with the most toys wins." Let's just say you go out and grab the entire tsr/wotc catalog og ESDs, all of the d20 pdf stuff, plus all of the D&D stuff which is not ESD but has been scanned by pirates. That's got to be what...
  15. evil_rmf

    What color is your goblin?

    Grey, olive green, tan, brown, pastie-white, ochre, all depending on their environment. Goblins in my home-brew are a bit more mis-shapen mongrels. They don't breed exactly "true", so they get described as whatever best fits the situation.
  16. evil_rmf

    Presents I had presents!--Mystic Eye Games had a blast!!

    I don't think he said present time....
  17. evil_rmf

    Presents I had presents!--Mystic Eye Games had a blast!!

    How much longer are you going to keep this up? You're not going to bankrupt the company, are you? :eek:
  18. evil_rmf

    Three Characteristic Behaviors Per Monster

    Flinds: Whirl their flind bars around in finest martial-arts-movie style while carefully and menacingly sizing up their opponents. They leap into battle and fight back to back when possible. Guys, I love this idea, this is great. Keep 'em coming!