• The VOIDRUNNER'S CODEX is coming! Explore new worlds, fight oppressive empires, fend off fearsome aliens, and wield deadly psionics with this comprehensive boxed set expansion for 5E and A5E!

Search results

  1. william_nova

    RPG Print News – Cubicle 7, Kobold Press, Exalted Funeral, and More

    Welcome to the intersection of Late Capitalism and Dungeons & Dragons as an aspirational lifestyle brand.
  2. william_nova

    RPG Print News – Cubicle 7, Kobold Press, Exalted Funeral, and More

    Welcome to the intersection of Late Capitalism and Dungeons & Dragons as an aspirational lifestyle brand.
  3. william_nova

    4e (book) binding issues?

    I received the box set on the 10th, and while I'm more than happy with the book layout and content, the binding seems like it might be an issue. I'm no expert on bookbinding, but I was hoping for a sewn signatures or sewn and glued signatures approach; it appears what we've got is double-fan...
  4. william_nova

    DM refuses to switch; players want to

    I think you're splitting hairs here, unless where you live gamers grow on trees in the yard and you can just go and pick a few whenever you need them. In my experience the number of people willing to play is small, the number willing to run even smaller. This puts a responsibility on those...
  5. william_nova

    DM refuses to switch; players want to

    Oh I feel the pain of this one, indeed. Sounds to me like you're obligated to take the Friday people and merge them with the Wednesday people and don't look back, for the sake of good gaming. I've seen folks who feel obligated to play in games they no longer enjoy, it's always catastrophic...
  6. william_nova

    "Once per round"

    I think the problem lies in turn vs. round. ZetaStriker is describing a round, while PeelSeel2 is describing a turn, in a 3e kinda way, I'm pretty sure. 3e isn't my cup of tea, esp. at this time of the morning. :area: The round begins with the highest initiative number and proceeds to...
  7. william_nova

    Will I regret not pre-ordering? (Concerning overall cost of the books)

    You will never pay the MSRP for the books from Amazon. The price you see there, the $57.72, is the standard price as of now. It's not likely to go up very much once the books hit the stores. Re: pre orders, there was a pre order discount that amounted to an additional 3 or 4% on top of the...
  8. william_nova

    Sleep spell....overpowered?

    Could you tell me how that build looks? I'm very math curious. ;)
  9. william_nova

    4ed PDFs - Are you still getting the books?

    I've been on board with 4e for a long time. I was never really on the fence as I viewed the preview information . Everything WotC and the community put out just reinforced my like of the new approach. I do think the leaked PDFs will drive up publicity for the game, and will increase sales...
  10. william_nova

    Amazon.com is screwing me!

    My estimated delivery date is June 10. Are you sure it's the ship date you are looking at? As others have said here, Amazon often ships earlier than they say they will. My KotS shipped like 2 days early and was in my hands on the same day it came out in retail stores. And self burnination is...
  11. william_nova

    D&D 4E 4E PrRC ~v2.7~ FINAL UPDATE May 29.08

    I just wanted to say thank you to Verys and everyone else who contributed to the PrPC - it has been an invaluable source of information for me regarding what was to come for many months, and I often came to these forums anticipating the day when it would be updated yet again. Your efforts to...
  12. william_nova

    Concerning buying D&D 4th Edition

    I do not agree with this whatsoever. Some of your other points are spot on. Just had to say it. I've had similar experiences. Visiting my FLGSs I see tweens playing card games, board games, video games, everything but RPG games, and in others I feel the need to shower immediately and...
  13. william_nova

    We're back to AD&D1

    I think this is a very important bit. "Creative spark" is absolutely non qualitative, and as such it's entirely possible what inspires one can completely disenchant another. I would say based on that description you are doing it completely right, however you are managing to do it. :) I'm...
  14. william_nova

    We're back to AD&D1

    By "non dummied down" I'm guessing you want more complexity, and by "more options" I'm guessing you mean "more rules," which is precisely the thing that inhibits role playing. Anybody who has seen the Forge inspired indie stuff knows exactly what I'm talking about. Those games are always very...
  15. william_nova

    We're back to AD&D1

    I find moments like this too amusing. Its like the parable of the blind men and the elephant. For me, 3e was a huge step backward in terms of complexity and completely squished role playing under a heavy load of rules, more rules, and yet more rules. People I knew who kinda sorta role...
  16. william_nova

    Inverse Countdown

    I feel similarly, despite my little In flagrante delicto in two other threads. ;) Sometimes I wonder what the book will smell like. Which, when written out here, sounds way creepier than perhaps it should. But book lovers know what I mean. There is nothing better than the smell of a new...
  17. william_nova


    I've played WoW but not Guild Wars, how do the 4e rituals remind you of GW? Assuming you're serious. I can't tell. Personally I like the new rituals, it seems like the more combat-y magic are under spells, and all the cool funky "wizard" stuff I was holding my breath hoping hadn't been...
  18. william_nova

    Implements dont make sense..

    Duely noted, kind admin. Many apologies. I came here to remove this but you beat me to it. Shall not happen again.
  19. william_nova

    Core Handbook Errors Discussion

    Gotcha. No more cut and paste for me. Sorry!
  20. william_nova

    Core Handbook Errors Discussion

    I have no idea what you are talking about. Did you want that all as one continuous line? It looks fine in my browser, sorry, I'm just sure what you mean.