• The VOIDRUNNER'S CODEX is coming! Explore new worlds, fight oppressive empires, fend off fearsome aliens, and wield deadly psionics with this comprehensive boxed set expansion for 5E and A5E!

Search results

  1. P

    Describe your last rpg session in 5 words

    Netflix Christmas Universe meets Dracula(?)
  2. P

    How do you overcome the "improvise a character name" problem?

    If the game has a particular style (eg Pendragon) I keep a list and choose from that. Otherwise they're named after whatever bottle of alcohol on the table comes to the GM's attention first. If you like wine (we do) then you end up with many characters named after vineyards. Or sometimes you...
  3. P

    D&D 5E Should I ask my DM to kill my D&D character?

    If you want to keep playing him, what about swapping him out for a different character for a level or two ("Yeah, sorry guys, got to go away on a big quest for plot-related reasons"), then bringing him back? Once the other PCs have a couple of extra levels under their belt, he won't be OP any more.
  4. P

    TSR Just when you thought it was all over.... now there’s a fourth TSR!

    I note that the Press Release contains a phone number for Michael K Hovermale. Has anyone tried calling him?
  5. P

    D&D 5E What starting adventure provides a "best of D&D" experience?

    No love yet for The Village of Hommlet? Plenty of RP if you want it, a home base, and the Moat House as an introductory dungeon just down the road...
  6. P

    D&D 5E What houserules would best support my campaign premise?

    Are you also ruling out multi-classing? Because the first thing I would do when I started finding out that spells were disappearing from the world would be to level up from then on in classes which weren't getting nerfed. After all, my character knows that spells are disappearing, so why bone...
  7. P

    ZEITGEIST Zeitgeist: What do you use for inspiration?

    We have a wiki page: ;) - https://spiritoftheage.obsidianportal.com/wikis/inspirations Quoted for ease-of-reference: The following shows, films, and books are useful inspiration for those playing in the world of Zeitgeist. Justified – A modern-day gunslinger returns to the county where he...
  8. P

    2 person party Advice

    Have DMed a few games with two players and it's scarily swingy. It's very easy to wipe, especially at first level. Next time I run with those two, I intend to let them have a companion character from the DMG2 to make things a little less dice-dangerous.
  9. P

    D&D 4E Low Magic 4E D&D

    Yep, here we go. Podcast here http://media.gleemax.com/podcasts/DnD_Episode20.mp3 confirms it was on his old blog, and that the Pbartender table is right (about 27'30")
  10. P

    D&D 4E Low Magic 4E D&D

    P1nback - Whatever that article is, I read it too, so it's definitely not just in your mind! A poke on the Internet suggests that Mike Mearls wrote an article on low-magic 4E, but I haven't been able to locate it - maybe it was in the old gleemax forums which are currently down for maintenance?
  11. P

    D&D 4E UPDATED 6/20/08! kiznit's 4e Fold-over Character Sheet w/ Cards

    Thanks for the new sheet Gazugafan - will be using it in my next game.
  12. P


    There's an FAQ here which states that you can safely use a magic weapon as part of a blast or burst power. Q: I am using a magical thrown weapon as part of an area of effect power. If I am attacking multiple enemies within that area, do I need multiple weapons, or will one suffice? A: One is...
  13. P

    Is it possible to be successful without leaders?

    Keep on the Shadowfell scaled for three players. One fighter, one paladin, one rogue. And the paladin misses every third session. We buy as many potions as we can afford every time we visit town, and knock those things back like water. It's come a little close on more than one occasion, but...
  14. P

    Very stupid question regarding feats...

    Hm. I hadn't actually thought of this before, and had assumed you could only take one Channel Divinity Feat. But it does say in the PHB that many people worship more than one God. And the world is obviously polytheistic. So I can't actually see any reason why you couldn't take two Channel...
  15. P

    Trouble with Short Rest and Healing Word

    Well, if they're spending half an hour hiding out in a room in a heavily-fortified stronghold-of-evil type place, it doesn't seem unreasonable that some of the inhabitants might occasionally wander into that room. That never happening would seem as weird to me as it always happening. But as...