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  1. Speaker

    Ceramic DM - Spring 2005 (Late Bloomer) - We have a winner.

    Brilliant judgements - I can feel no shame in saying Berandor certaintly deserved his victory. Cheers to that! I do hope to return again, another match or two away. But let the stories continue in this one, for the best is yet to come...
  2. Speaker

    Ceramic DM - Spring 2005 (Late Bloomer) - We have a winner.

    Ach, formating issues, always a pain (groan). But there it is. I hoipe I do not offend with my silence - my name was a joke, of sorts, as I have lurked about the ENWorld boards for a long time now, saying little - I doubt any would remember the breif, brief time when I was active on the...
  3. Speaker

    Ceramic DM - Spring 2005 (Late Bloomer) - We have a winner.

    Gift of Life Ceramic DM Spring 2005 (Really, really late bloomer) Round 2: Speaker vs. Berandor Gift of Life “Micheal. Micheal.” The voice, insistent, insipid, internal, eternal. Strange that the familiar might be made from something so strange, Micheal thought. Stranger still that all...
  4. Speaker

    Ceramic DM - Spring 2005 (Late Bloomer) - We have a winner.

    I am ready to go, the sooner the better - I'll keep a close eye on this thread!
  5. Speaker

    Ceramic DM - Spring 2005 (Late Bloomer) - We have a winner.

    I have the chance to write again! My thanks to Firelance and Hellefire for an excellent first round, and as always the judges were thourough and exhaustive in their judgements - I hope I can correct those mistakes I made and build on the strengths you have pointed out. Good luck on those...
  6. Speaker

    Ceramic DM - Spring 2005 (Late Bloomer) - We have a winner.

    Whew - I meant to post a follow-up earlier but had to leave before I could spend the time to read my opponent's tales. I'm starting that now. In the Clear: I found the pictures for this match a very natural lead-in to some creative story writing, vague in the right places while tough to...
  7. Speaker

    Ceramic DM - Spring 2005 (Late Bloomer) - We have a winner.

    The Lady For The Tiger The Lady For The Tiger Two figures on a distant beach, one male, one female. They sit, eyes locked, her grey eyes locked on his. Between them a stock of wood, arranged to burn but not yet aflame. The sun is strong. “Now." Whispers the lady, and the other leans...
  8. Speaker

    Ceramic DM - Spring 2005 (Late Bloomer) - Signups complete

    Friday, followed by wednesday works great. It's been a while since I last wrote... all that creative potential stored up, waiting for the rusting seams to give way...
  9. Speaker

    Ceramic DM - Spring 2005 (Late Bloomer) - Signups complete

    I haven't been around for a long while - but I drop in, and what do I see? Ceramic DM. Ach, I'm having a lazy summer, replete with long sojourns on the beach and a total lack of any real creativity. If you'll have me, I'd like to try my hand back in the Ceramic Arena.
  10. Speaker

    ILM employees sign NDAs regarding Star Wars Episodes VII, VIII, IX

    I like the X-wing books - not so much for the plot (at least, not Stackpole's - but Aaron's work for me) - but for the characters and the subtle humour throughout the series. I recognize the flaws, but I think that the benefits far outstrip them. Variety is the spice of life and all.
  11. Speaker

    Donnie Darko??? All you needed to know about Donni Darko and Time Travel. Fun to read.
  12. Speaker

    Spring Ceramic DM™: WINNER POSTED!

    RangerWickett, congrats on the utterly well deserved win. I would have voted for you myself, in an instant - I had the luxury of not being in too much suspense over the last few days. Judges, you made a number of excellent comments, and I thank you for your consideration. I only wish I had...
  13. Speaker

    Spring Ceramic DM™: WINNER POSTED!

    Well, that's done... right on top of RangerWickett, I see. And it's an amazing sunrise. The weather here has been amazing...
  14. Speaker

    Spring Ceramic DM™: WINNER POSTED!

    On The Scales RangerWickett vs Speaker ‘I see the difficulty you have in judging me. You look at each other, then at me as if I was a monster, some caricature of evil from the depths that has done some great wrong. Yes, my crime is great. But to judge me, you must consider all views. Or so...
  15. Speaker

    Spring Ceramic DM™: WINNER POSTED!

    :uhoh: :confused: :heh: :]
  16. Speaker

    Spring Ceramic DM™: WINNER POSTED!

    Harder? Well, that which does not kill us... My opponent, the honourable RangerWickett, seems to be keeping quiet for the time being, and I will do the same - for now. With any luck I will wake friday (hungover and bleary eyed) to a series of pictures that stir the blood and mind. Until...
  17. Speaker

    Spring Ceramic DM™: WINNER POSTED!

    I am ready to write when required. Looking forward to the contest - needs must exersize muscles long left dormant.