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Search results

  1. B

    Frank Mentzer's Worlds of Empyrea Kickstarter to be Rebooted!

    While I'm hoping that they do have some retractions on 'links' to Greyhawk, I am looking very forward to seeing this evolve. I was very interested in this project the last time, and if he ties everything to the City-State of the Invincible Overlord, or even ties it to Mystara...sold. I'm...
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    Harassment At PaizoCon 2017

    Clarification... Identity politics will not help you in the long run. ...I understand the caution regarding identifying the victim name because our hobby has quite a number of gross MRA/Gamergate/Red Pill types, a few of whom have already reared their ugly heads in this very thread! They...
  3. B

    Harassment At PaizoCon 2017

    Sad to see this happened. On the issue of one staffer being injured, there are a lot of people that I'm positive would love to take a drunken swing at me. As a man, I'm up for that. And I'm sure that punching someone felt pretty good.
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    Mona's Musings: The Fall of Cthulhu

    James, do you have a copy of the old classic "Murder on the Orient Express?"
  5. B

    New Cyberpunk Novel!

  6. B

    New Cyberpunk Novel!

    thank you! For those that have previewed this and those that later bought, I thank you! Shift: Election Weekend is turning into a financial happy spot that I can't do by myself. You folks are funding the sequel and the rest of the books in this series, and I hope you enjoy reading them! I...
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    Which game would you recommend?

    I would recommend Pathfinder. My group has been with it for over 2 years. Since Alpha. We note on our character sheets and spell sheets what type of bonuses are given so we're not rule lawyering all the damn time. But the game is enjoyable and backwards compatible if you really want to break...
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    I just got a PSP: I need suggestions on good games

    I bought this system exclusively for the two WipeOut games. I'm sorry, I don't play console games for 'rp' or story.
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    New Cyberpunk Novel!

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