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  1. S

    Pathfinder 1E Seeking 2 players for Monday night Pathfinder Game in Rogers, MN

    Hey, all! My regular Monday night Pathfinder group is going to be losing 2 players in the next couple weeks, and I am looking to replace them. Right now we are just about to finish the 2nd module of the Kingmaker AP. I am looking for players of any experience and skill level interested in...
  2. S

    Tablets/ipad of your role playing???

    Get an iPad. Without question. There are tons of awesome apps for it, the iOS is so much better than Android imo, and you can get 5 gigs of storage on iCloud for free which is more than enough (for me anyway) to store most of the pdfs I need to play.
  3. S

    So did your group win the War of the Burning Sky?

    Greetings, all! I am prepping this AP to run and I often find myself wondering if my group is up to the challenge of winning the War of the Burning Sky. This campaign is so unlike anything I have ever read. It is very deep, very complicated with so many different factions and players in the...
  4. S

    How much backlash is too much?

    I agree with Havrik, and herein lies my discomfort with the whole evil thing i think. Any action I take against the PCs seems like me against them and not just consequences for their actions. The town constable is 4 levels higher than the swordsage and has several deputies. He could easily...
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    D&D 3E/3.5 3.5e 5-10th level campaign & fighter mage

    Most people that I play with would probably say that I'm a terrible character builder, but I kinda dig the battle sorcerer alternate class feature from the UEA. You get a d8, can wear light armor, gain proficiency with a single martial weapon, and in return, you cast one less spell per day and...
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    Party recommendation for Castle Whiterock

    I pretty much have to agree with Jacob Marley. I've spent a lot of time in megadungeons (WLD for 18 months and now for the last 6), and groups that don't have good balance don't tend to do well when the going gets really tough.
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    How much backlash is too much?

    The evil character definitely did something wrong. Allow me to explain the situation a bit more in depth. The swordsage (SS) was in the tavern eating lunch. The door to tavern was kicked open and there stood the paladin. I described him as "looking crazed. His normally polished armor is...
  8. S

    How much backlash is too much?

    Thanks for all the responses, guys! I feel as if I need to explain myself and running a group of evil PCs despite my reservations against it. There's such strong feelings about it! As a DM, I hate ruling that certain books or play styles can't be played. I feel like I'm pigeonholing the...
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    How much backlash is too much?

    Good morning, guys! I have a little situation brewing in my group that requires action on my part as the DM, but I am not sure how much action is too much action. Let me start at the beginning. My group is exploring a megadungeon and there is a town nearby that has served as the group's base...
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    The "HATE" Thread

    I hate players who are always chaotic neutral so they can steal stuff and generally just be inconsiderate pricks without taking alignment penalties. I hate players whose character has levels in 7 completely unrelated classes because it's uber or something. Last, but certainly not least, I...
  11. S

    Expanded Summon Monster.

    Wowzers! I'd say that's a pretty comprehensive list. Nicely done!
  12. S

    The person on the paper. (Most memorable characters.)

    One of my most favorite characters was Haxon, a LE favored soul of Hextor. His goal was to be a tyrant, and everything I did was to achieve those ends. I had a great supporting cast for becoming a tyrant, too. One of my buddies was a necromancer and the other was an assassin. We started by...
  13. S

    Why yes, that is an Airship in my pocket...

    I'd absolutely allow something like this. It'd be hellacool to have something like that. Heck, I wish my players would want something like this. They generally only power game and want broken, overpowered items.
  14. S

    Magical items for children?

    I don't have much in the way of ideas for ya, but very cool campaign concept. This seems like a really fun way to start a campaign.
  15. S

    Role/Roll Playing

    I am definitely about the role playing. If I wanted to optimize, I would play WoW. DnD for me is about being a hero, battling my way through a great story and building an awesome castle when I'm done with all my phat lewtz!
  16. S

    How to see through concealment?

    Hey, guys! So I got this idea in my head to approach combat in a more SWAT based manner. I figured that for relatively cheap, a guy could buy smoke sticks or an eversmoking bottle, chuck em into a room and then move in for the kill. I'm probably missing something, but it seems like this...
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    Aid Another & Search

    Can you aid each other on search checks not involving traps? Moreover, is one designated person's search check the one that is aided or does everyone make their roll and then the group aids the highest roll? We have never really used the aid rules in my group so I'm not real certain on the...
  18. S

    Have you ever put real thought into the Zombie Apocalypse?

    I have definitely given thought to how I would survive a zombie apocalypse. I would most assuredly die. I have three small children, one of whom is handicapped and can't walk. I'm sure I would not make it out of the initial onslaught. If I did survive the first wave of killing, my family has...
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    Moving the game along

    I think you are being funny with this, and if so, I laughed really hard at this. Good form!
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    Sense Motive makes me sad

    In my games, sense motive means next nothing. My players believe what they want regardless of what the dice say. I'm apparently a poor liar/actor.