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Search results

  1. M

    30 levels, without the epic tier

    I'm a new D&D4 DM. I'm in the process of reading through everything I find, and I try to put my personal touch on things. I really like the rules, and the mechanics of D&D4, but I simply can't do anything with the epic levels. Never have I read any fictional materials that was even similar to...
  2. M

    Q. about essentials, old core books and MM3.

    Hi! My First Post here. :) I'm looking on some advice. I have the old d&d4 core books, and I'm not sure what the "current state" of d&d4 is. I used to play AD&D2, a few of it's clones, D&D3 and some other "old" games, like Call of Cuthullu, Pendragon, Warhammer RPG etc. But I haven't played...