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  1. Super Pony

    [MHR] Marvel RPG Discontinued, PDF sales ending next week

    It's not necessarily the most current breaking news, being a couple days old. But I didn't see a thread for it yet. Direct Link As for the PDF sales, they are going to be pulled at the end of the month (April 30th, Next Tuesday), so get em soon if you desire them at all. Google+ Post from...
  2. Super Pony

    Reading in Progress: The Wise Man's Fear

    Okay, so I know I am two years late to the party on this book. That being said, whaaaaaaat am I reading!?!? I am elbows deep in this story (too far to turn back now:p), but the talent Mr. Rothfuss has with flowery prose is the only sugar helping this bitter pill go down. Thus far it is just...
  3. Super Pony

    Most random item generator of all time...

    Seriously awesome, even if you are not a WFRP fan. All props to Mr. Graffam: Dagobah Dave's Random Item Generator