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  1. J

    Has anyone ever made a large dungeon/adventure using mostly minions?

    I have a group that does mostly RP/Exploration, but I can tell they are itching for some serious combat. I was thinking about creating a good sized dungeon crawl in a B1 kind of way. However, I don't want it to be a long grind, I want them to explore 20-30 rooms in one session. I was thinking...
  2. J

    Supporting the "Three Pillars" Combat, Exploration and Roleplay equally?

    In order to equally support the Three Pillars, is it necessary to create a more robust rules system for exploration and role playing? If so, what type of rules could be helpful? At the least, in order to support more interesting exploration and role play, I believe the DM should be supplied...
  3. J

    Could Martial Feats/Powers/Maneuvers be based on situations and conditions?

    I know there are quite a few people who have a hard time reconciling the idea of AEDU powers for martial characters, which makes sense. When I DM 4E, I always trying to narrate such powers as "seizing the opportunity" or "taking advantage" or "pushing themselves to the limit" or whatever other...
  4. J

    How to portray long or challenging tasks in an interesting way

    I run my campaigns pretty sandboxy and without much prep. I let the characters decide what they want to do, so I can't plan flowery language and interesting what/if scenarios for every situation. Usually I'm pretty good but there's one situation that I always fail. The long, challenging, and...
  5. J

    In a world where the quadratic wizard could exist, the quadratic wizard wouldn't...

    exist. If wizards can ascend to "godlike" power, then they would constantly be hunted down and either regulated or eliminated. It doesn't make sense for all of the PC races to let a small subset hold exponential power over the vast majority. I'd imagine that in a world where monsters, undead...
  6. J

    Are adventures/modules more important than system?

    I've been thinking about the transition from 4e to Next, as well as a look back at iconic material, and it makes me wonder if the adventures (including materials to use in home-brew adventures) are possibly more important than the system. WotC did not put its best foot forward with the...