Search results

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    RPG equivalent to BoardGameGeek

    Is there a consolidated RPG database similar to BoardGameGeek?
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    Life without Hit Points

    Could anyone suggest a game system that doesn't use Hit Points (or Health or any stat with the same function) in it's combat system? All suggestions are welcome. Games with solid tactical (rather than strictly narrative) elements preferred. Comments about what makes the system better/worse than...
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    Burning Wheel compared to Riddle of Steel

    I've started to take a look at Luke Crane's Burning Wheel and I'm liking at lot of what I see. I've heard people compare this system to Riddle of Steel, which I haven't had a chance to take a look at. I'm wondering if anyone who's played both could give me a quick breakdown of what's similar...
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    What different games do WELL.

    My wife and I are thinking about getting back into RPGs, but we're a bit overwhelmed with all the choices out there. I've always toyed with the idea of making my own system, but that leaves my wife with nothing much to do in the meantime. I recently came across the idea that while no RPG is...
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    Brainstorming Martial/Combat Classes

    I'm working on a homebrew fantasy RPG where I've divided classes up into three categories (magical, professional, and combat/martial) with a few hybrid classes also available. I'm set on the three professional and magical classes, but I keep going back and forth on the combat classes and I'm...
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    To Class or not to Class...

    What do you think? Do you prefer systems that give players the option of picking a pre-conceived Class that they can tweak and personalize...or systems that provide a wide range of skills, talents, feats, powers, spells, etc. that you can pick-and-choose to create your own completely customized...
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    Fantasy Technology (Beyond Guns & Golems)

    When we think of technology in fantasy settings there are several iconic forms that are almost universally included (e.g. firearms, airships, and golems). In fact, it's gotten to the point where including these things in fantasy games has lost its novelty. What are some unusual "fantasy...
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    Knights of the Old Republic (1&2) = Star Wars RPG System?

    Hoping to pick you brains a bit. The Star Wars: Knights of the Old Republic RPVG (2003) - was it based on the Star Wars RPG (2000) or Star Wars RPG: Revised (2002) Core Rulebook? If so, how closely did it match the book? Same question about SW: KOTOR 2 (2005). And, for bonus points, have any...
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    +X Items - Why so bad for the game?

    A while ago I posted a thread about D&D "Sacred Cows" and I've also been watching threads about what people would like to see in D&D 5.0. One thing that people seem to dislike is the +X Items (e.g. Longsword +3), but I don't quite understand why. Thinking back, weapons that improve the...
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    How is the Wizard vs Warrior Balance Problem Handled in Fantasy Literature?

    A lot of people agree that D&D has historically heavily favored spellcasters after about a third of the way thru leveling and the classes were drastically unbalanced at the endgame. I'm trying to brainstorm an approach to correcting this inbalance in a way that maybe makes more sense than the...
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    What's your favorite spellcasting system?

    I've never been a big fan of D&D's Vancian spellcasting system, so I'm wondering what other RPGs out there have "better" or at least significantly different spellcasting systems than you can find with D&D. I'm sure a lot of things have been tried in the past, but what I guess I'm most...