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    How Expensive is Too Expensive?

    Although there were no plans for a PDF at the time of the original Kickstarter, Monte Cook Games (to their great credit) gave all of the backers complementary links to the PDFs.
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    [Homebrew] In a godless campaign what do you with clerics?

    Some ideas: - Decouple clerics and religions. In the real world divinity is understood in diverse ways and the divine is either subjective or concealed, rather than an obvious presence. Clerics could represent: - A form of magic primarily devoted to a metaphysical study of reality that...
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    THIS Is The Pathfinder Playtest Rulebook!

    To be fair to Paizo - they will release the PDF free on August 2nd. The offered a printed version, as a preorder only, for those who wanted it.
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    Star Wars RPG Beta: Are they serious?

    On the matter of PDFs... As I understood it from WotC's discussions of them relative to its own Star Wars RPG, Lucasfilm considers PDFs to be a software release and thus explicitly not a part of any agreement to release physical games and rpgs. While paying for a beta may seem wasteful to...
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    Monte on Life and Death (And Resurrection)

    One area that seems to be overlooked in the discussions about resurrection and raise dead is the effect of character death and these spells on actual table play. Although there may be a plethora of campaign, lore, and style based reasons for these spells to be restricted or to not exist there...
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    (Most of) the Myths of the Far Future Player's Guide

    A thread this significant deserves at least one response! I really like what have done with Myths of the Far Future. Its a nice tight system for futuristic adventure and it looks like it will be a blast to play through the adventure path when its ready. /salute EN Publishing
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    WotC's Annual Xmas Layoffs

    I've always admired and respected your work, Rich. I wish you well in all your future endeavors.
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    A few pages from the Player's Guide

    Wow. Santiago is shaping up really well. I'm really looking forward to seeing the complete document and adventure path. Any idea yet on when it will be available? Great job, EN.
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    SANTIAGO Playtest Document #1: The Engineer [Character Class]

    I had to register after a long time of lurking to commend you all at EN Publishing for an awesome class. I am really looking forward to seeing Santiago when its completed. Now bring on the Psion! I loves me some Altair...