• The VOIDRUNNER'S CODEX is LIVE! Explore new worlds, fight oppressive empires, fend off fearsome aliens, and wield deadly psionics with this comprehensive boxed set expansion for 5E and A5E!

Search results

  1. Sombalance

    Shaper of Stone - January Special

    Shaper of Stone A Novel by Keith Keffer My name is Devin Symms. I’m not from here. Hell, I don’t even know where here is. I only know it isn’t home. It isn’t Earth. I don’t know how I got here and I don’t know how to get back. I don’t even know if I can get back. I’ve met some people...
  2. sample_map_1.png


  3. Sombalance

    What to Read when You Aren't Gaming

    Do you enjoy getting lost in a great book or game? Are you an author or game designer? Do you want to share tales about the stories that suck you in? If you can answer yes to any of these, stop in at What to Read when You Aren’t Gaming. We are a community committed to bringing together those...
  4. Sombalance

    Does the Gamer Seeking Gamer App work for anyone else?

    Just a wild guess, but you might want to set your game location.
  5. Sombalance

    Conan Red Band Trailer is up

    I don't go to as many movies as I used to, but when I do, you can bet it isn't to one that requires me to wear glasses over my glasses. The movie could be free and I still wouldn't think it was worth it.
  6. Sombalance

    Best Era of Dark Sun?

    I have to go for the original boxed set. The other material was interesting, but most of it never made it into my campaign. I'm okay with new material, but I don't like world altering material.
  7. Sombalance

    The end of subscription based MMOs!?

    I recall seeing a study a few years ago comparing monthly subscriptions to pay as you go models (ie microtransactions for perks). In a straight up comparison micro transactions could generate more revenue for a company. I'm not surprised to see many more mmos going to it. I'd rather see a...
  8. Sombalance

    DC Comics Reboot

    Why not ask Superman how he feels about it. Gutters - Issue #145 by Scott Cohn
  9. Sombalance

    Which horror/supernatural creature is more dangerous and/or scariest?

    In the movie "Trilogy of Terror" (I think) there was a woman who got a possessed voodoo dall/totem thing that chased her through her home. The doll wasn't so scary, but at the end of the story, the woman was sitting on the floor digging a knife into it as she smiled at the camera with a mouth...
  10. Sombalance

    Take a stand! LotR vs. GoT

    LOTR is responsible for a lot of us gamers, and I'd feel foolish not to side with Gandalf. Plus, I'm begging to hate writers who don't seem to be capable of finishing a story, even if I think the story they are writing is fantastic.
  11. Sombalance

    D&D: Daggerdale

    I played the XBOX demo with my daughter last night. I thought it would be cool to have a game we could play coop on the same XBOX. To say I was disappointed with it doesn't even come close. Maybe its a better game playing solo or spread out on other machines but I'm not likely to find out. I...
  12. Sombalance

    Looking for a Quick Start Guide for New Players

    That looks like a pretty good resource. It is more than I was looking for but I"m thinking I might still grab it.
  13. Sombalance

    Looking for a Quick Start Guide for New Players

    Yep, that is pretty much what I figured too. I've got a few folks I'm trying to get interested in the game and showing them a 500+ page rule book is sure to scare them off. Normally I'll put together something of my own to introduce new folks, but wanted to double check before I started.
  14. Sombalance

    Looking for a Quick Start Guide for New Players

    Hi there, I was wondering if anyone knew of a place where I could download something to hand to new players who know almost nothing about RPGs and even less about Pathfinder, OGL or D&D versions. A 500 page rule book tends to be pretty scary, and I was hoping there might be something around 5...
  15. Sombalance

    Looking for Group Pathfinder/3.5e in Allentown/Bethlehem/Easton PA area

    Haven't found an existing group yet. I am considering trying to start my own if I can't find one to join. Send me a PM if you are interested and I'll keep you in the loop if I come up with anything.
  16. Sombalance

    LF Video Game Recommendations

    The only reason I have an XBOX 360 was to play Mass Effect when it was first released. Now that I've gotten used to playing on a 47 inch flat screen, I have a tough time playing on my 21 inch monitor. (most of the games you listed, I only played on the XBOX) A friend of mine got me playing...
  17. Sombalance

    L.A. Noire

    I'm about half way through the game, and for the most part I'm enjoying it. But, it is more like a movie than a game. It seems that the game will move on regardless of how well or poorly you do. The action scenes can be a little tough. Using different cars for the chase scenes seem to help.
  18. Sombalance

    LF Video Game Recommendations

    If you haven't tried it yet, you might like Oblivion, and then you can look forward to Skyrim in November. Two Worlds II and Risen were okay and made for a good fix when the RPG craving was on me. Not great games, but entertaining enough to make me want to finish them both. Fable III is...
  19. Sombalance

    Looking for Group Pathfinder/3.5e in Allentown/Bethlehem/Easton PA area

    Have you had any luck finding a group? I recently moved into the Nazareth area and am Looking for something to get into myself.