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  1. M

    TPK Dillema

    As long as the death is appropriate to the character, I have no problem with my character dying. Even a TPK is fine, provided it is appropriate to the heroic nature of the PC's. If my character; however, dies from a critical hit after tripping over a stone in the middle of the street, I AM...
  2. M

    Essentials: why the hate?

    Regarding Essentials: I play an Essentials mage (enchanter specifically). And I like the character far more than I believe I would enjoy a comparable Wizard. But I will admit there are a few flaws. Pros: -Mages are internally powered. Take away my implement, and I am still a wizard. 4E...
  3. M

    Do you hate wish-lists too?

    OK, so, after reading through the thread, I am unsure as to what "wish-list" refers to. But I have a pair of definitions I will answer to: Wish-lists are a collection of items the players want or demand: I see no problem with this PROVIDED the characters are willing to play it into the game...
  4. M

    Battlefield Elocution and Bards

    Battlefield Elocution seems like a in game fix for player behavior, i.e. the habit of discussing my plans with the other players who's characters are on the far side of a large battle. But an idea, admittedly abusive, occurs to me... Many bard abilities and powers require (in the game world)...
  5. M

    4th ed diviner

    Ides of March is an ability based on Shakespeare's Julius Ceaser. A fortuneteller predicts Cesear's death, because his councillors all turn on him and stab him to death. The divinatory aspect is a sort of self fulfilling prophecy. If you prefer, the spell would be a mass hallucination...
  6. M

    4th ed diviner

    I am feeling a bit nostalgic about 2nd edition (don't ask why, I have no answer), and one of the things i remember most fondly is the schools of magic. Most specifically, I miss the applicability of divination in combat. So I am playing with the idea of the Diviner, an Arcane Leader class...
  7. M

    Unicorn: A Terrible, Adorable Idea

    Oh my GAWD!!!!!! Jester, I wanna play a unicorn vampire!! Can I please please please?!! I just got to use the phrase "unicorn vampire." I am so winning right now. Tiger blood!
  8. M

    Are "Pretty" Dungeons Better?

    This may seem like a self centered and trite answer, but please bear with: It depends on the character I am playing. If my character is a rough and ready barbarian or fighter, who is hunting a villainous so and so, I really don't care about the architecture beyond tactical value. I don't...
  9. M

    Good DM's?

    There is a thread a little further down about what a DM does that ruins a game, and that is a perfectly reasonable and helpful forum to a new Game Runner. I found a lot of things that I shouldn't do. Now I was hoping for a list of "things a GM should do." Not items specifically to a system...
  10. M

    Paladin of Love

    Ramius: never saw that one. I'll have to look into it. Sounds amusing. Incenjucar and Unwise: I think Wisdom and Charisma should both be high, as both of your descriptions are interpretations of love. Having said that, I don't think he should be TOO extreme on either, neither eschewing...
  11. M

    Paladin of Love

    Just as an exercise, I was trying to build a paladin of some love god/dess. The main concept being that his powers would derive from the multiple aspects of love, both positive and negative. Hence, the challenge would manifest as an overwhelming feeling of jealousy, the buffing powers would...
  12. M

    Rewarding Roleplaying

    Interesting thread and interesting pints made. I have always felt a bit, ?awkward?, about the xp system in d&d. You are reqarded for antisocial behavior (this is a personal opinion, not a statement of fact). You gain strength by killing other entities, many of them intelligent creatures. I've...
  13. M

    Player 1 'grabs and pulls' player 2, then claims it's 'Forced movement, no AtOp'

    I play as an enchanter from essentials. I readily admit I am mot fully cognizant of all the rules of the game but I try to play with a "common sense approach to the rules. When I force an enemy to move with one of my spells, I assume that my allies are choosing not to make an attack of...
  14. M

    Mythological Musings - More on Gods

    This is how I have always perceived gods. Not right or wrong, simply my stance: -Gods function on belief, not worship. Worship is simply an accepted and verifiable form of belief. Thus, in real world myth/theologies, Davy Jones and Mother Carey exist because the sailors needed something to...
  15. M

    Swordmage Multiclass Feats

    Thanks muchly folks for showing me those. :)
  16. M

    DM's: How much is enough/too much?

    My gaming group and I were discussing the potential running of Mage: the Awakening, and, since I am the most familiar with the setting and mechanics, I am the volunteered Storyteller. So I have been thinking about it. And the biggest thing I have realized is that I haven't really run a game...
  17. M

    Do you want variety or bonuses in your feats?

    I'll admit I didn't read all the posts, but this is what I want from feats. Flavor. I don't need them to be all bonuses, or effects. I would like feats that fit my character design. I would love "flawed feats," something that gives me a significant bonus to something my character is good at...
  18. M


    So the essential gist I am getting with this trick is that I COULD transport three people into ideal positions as an immediate reaction, but I COULD NOT transport four people regardless of the time, yeah? For clarification I was trying to argue that both Aegis of Assault and Basic melee are...
  19. M


    The first flaw you point out I wondered about, as I am using Fey Step, but not using it on myself. I also figured that expending it was the same as using it. The words are nearly synonymous in this context. I expend a healing surge when I use one and so forth. The second flaw I didn't even...
  20. M


    Wow. This is sort of an addendum to the marking idea. In playing with a swordmage build I came across this little effect combo. It requires a certain imagination as I describe it. An eladrin swordmage (assault type) is in close combat with a major baddie with three of his front line bodies...