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Search results

  1. H

    Truename Magic

    Another place in fiction that has Truename magic is the Earthsea series by Ursual LeGuin. It also points out the danger of letting your truename slip out and makes the act of sharing ones truename the closest form of trust available. All true names are in the Old Speech, which wizards cannot...
  2. H

    Running a game for two players

    My friend is currently on and off running an adventure with me and one other player. We are both running two characters, which is surprisingly fun. Getting to go twice in combat is a lot of fun. I'm not sure how well only two characters would work. (I also have a particular dislike of...
  3. H

    Cool stunts you've seen

    The halfling bard of the party has a habit of jumping on top of things and being incredibly lucky when he does so. This has included two invisible monsters (high perception roll and then a near perfect acrobatics roll) and a dragon. This helped the other PCs see the invisible creatures and...
  4. H

    How did you change KotS?

    I didn't change a great deal about the structure or setting, as it involved me easing myself into the roll of DM and the players getting acquainted with the system. Thematically, I changed a great deal, given that my campaign is about attempts by the Primordials (who weren't nearly as badly...
  5. H

    New DM Tabletop Question

    I'd also recommend, if you have access to a laptop, or if you game in a place with a desktop computer with a screen you can hide from your players, getting some sort of battle management software. I'm partial towards 4e Turn Tracker, but there are lots of really good ones out there. It makes...
  6. H

    The Plain of Sighing Stones

    I'm preparing the next adventure for my party over Thanksgiving (it's either that or watch football) and it's going to involve a trek through the Shadowfell. I plan to start them in Gloomwrought, have some interesting events there and then set them on the path to the place the Raven Queen used...
  7. H

    Help me name an all-female group of mercenaries

    The Eumenides. (Greek for "The Kindly Ones", which is what you would call the Erinyes(the Greek name for the Furies) if you didn't want to attract their attention and anger.) Also, check out the wikipedia page on mythological women warriors. "Daughters of x" or "Sisters of x" with many of...
  8. H

    To Fudge or not to Fudge...

    I'm fudging less and less every session, as every other time I fudge in the players favor, I end up regretting it. I suppose I could just add a few more HP to the monsters on the fly, but they tend to keep a vague track of how much damage they did and would react badly to the numbers getting...
  9. H

    D&D 4E 4e PC Upkeep Costs

    This is getting off topic, but the Angry DM (I think it was him) had a rule of 3 when related to clues. Give the players three different ways to discover something. So they can talk to the bar people. They can try to shake down the local thugs for information. Or, depending on what you're...
  10. H

    D&D 4E Tips for a new 4E DM

    To make tracking conditions easier, I recommend using one of the various programs out there. I'm a big fan of 4e Turn Tracker (links and commentary can be found in the Press Release board in the Forums, under General RPG Forums), but there are many out there. They help you keep track of who...
  11. H

    Whats so special about the Far Realm?

    I took out the star names, Allabar, and Mak Thuum Ngatha, as I recognize those, but where did you get the others from?
  12. H

    Whats so special about the Far Realm?

    Beyond tentacles, there's a phrase that stuck in my mind that I'm still trying to work out a good representation for "the many angled ones." It shows up in some Cthulhu mythos writing and I kind of think of it as beings that shift unsettlingly as they move, with bits of the flickering in and...
  13. H

    Partial Skill Successes (as inspired by Apocalypse World) Suggestions Wanted!

    Neat idea. I've been doing something informally like this, with checks that are more than 5 or 10 (depending) over the DC getting extraordinary results. (Advanced partial payment in addition to a bump in payment when the person giving the job is stingy, some extra information that doesn't...
  14. H

    Bring back alignments?

    I miss the nine alignments, but I think we're better off without them. Very few people actually go into the world intending to be evil. Even pure sociopaths don't see themselves as evil, merely justified in harming those around them. It's part of why, as a kid, I objected to most of the...
  15. H

    Whats so special about the Far Realm?

    So I actually just registered my account to comment in this thread. My view of contact between the Far Realm and the everyday world is that it is similar to the Torque in China Mieville's Perdido Street Station. One of the characters is showing pictures of torque damage to another- they look...