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  1. mazzoli

    [Risus] An Adventurer's Life for Me! IC

    Marcus responds, "My dear Rozzo, that might be the best course of action. I would like to see exactly what you have available. And now is the chance to see if the rituals of these cultists are sufficiently dark and terrifying for inclusion in a dungeon of the calibre of ours."
  2. mazzoli

    IC Game [Pathfinder] Diabolical Plots

    Jeslle scampers after Lanalia and says, "I have an idea of where the temple is, but I don't know exactly. They always say that its location never stays the same each time you go looking for it." She starts to look nervous as the enormity of what she's about to do fully hits her as the forest...
  3. mazzoli

    [LPF] The Kidnappers' Trail

    Thiera nods in support of Ioseph. "First pirates, now a ring of smugglers. I'd forgotten what city life could be like. We'll get him back for you." Sorry for the absence. I got sick and busy at the same time.
  4. mazzoli

    [Pathfinder] mazzoli's Kingmaker IC

    Sorry I've been absent. Sick and busy at the same time for too long. Is everybody ready to bed down and move on? Also, how are we going to work this now that the prince is leaving the party?
  5. mazzoli

    [Risus] An Adventurer's Life for Me! IC

    "I see your point. Our problem is that we have only a line of credit, from this shop, at our disposal. How are we to pay for all of the extra personnel that you are suggesting. I don't think we could completely stock our employer's dungeon with convicts. Part of the reason they're convicts is...
  6. mazzoli

    IC Game [Pathfinder] Diabolical Plots

    Jeslle scrunches up her face at Lanalia's condescension. "We'd better get going if we're going to get anything done today." She gets up and heads for the door before turning back to Fir and Lanalia sheepishly. "Ummm...what exactly was our plan for the day?"
  7. mazzoli

    [Pathfinder] mazzoli's Kingmaker IC

    The woman takes in the group's scheming and decides that they must know what they're doing after all. She smiles and speaks, "It sounds like you've got the beginnings of a plan. You're welcome to stay here tonight, though the bunkhouse will be somewhat crowded with as many of you as there are...
  8. mazzoli

    [LPF] The Kidnappers' Trail

    Thiera initially stands at the back impassively, apparently having decided to allow her more social companions handle this. She is suddenly struck with an idea and steps forward. "Would my status as a citizen of Irthos help to allow or expedite our audience? This is a matter of some urgency."
  9. mazzoli

    [Pathfinder] mazzoli's Kingmaker IC

    She eyes the group dubiously, "There are many bandits, and they're due to show up tomorrow. I'm not sure you'll be enough to help us." The man gives a resounding "Harrumph" and grouses, "Prince, you say? Prince of where? And what would a royal brat be doing in this backwater? There are at least...
  10. mazzoli

    Anyone Willing To Run Kingmaker? (Full)

    IC thread is up here.
  11. mazzoli

    [Pathfinder] mazzoli's Kingmaker IC

    Be it so known that the bearer of this charter has been charged by the Swordlords of Restov, acting upon the greater good and authority vested within them by the office of the Regent of the Dragonscale Throne, has granted the right of exploration and travel within the wilderness region known as...
  12. mazzoli

    Anyone Willing To Run Kingmaker? (Full)

    I'll get the IC thread up when I get home from work if we're ready.
  13. mazzoli

    [Risus] An Adventurer's Life for Me! IC

    Marcus excuses himself from his discussion with Rozzo and moves off to engage in a hushed conversation with Aka. "What exactly are you talking about? As I understand it, that list contains all of our options for stocking the dungeon. This is the same as in any shop, where there is but a small...
  14. mazzoli

    [Risus] An Adventurer's Life for Me! IC

    Marcus examines the sign for a moment before addressing Aka, "Well, I do believe no self-respecting dungeon can go without an ooze, a trap or two, and some cultists. What else do you think it might need?" He then turns toward the proprietor and asks, "Now I have a couple of questions for you...
  15. mazzoli

    [LPF] The Kidnappers' Trail

    And my axe!
  16. mazzoli

    [LPF] The Kidnappers' Trail

    Thiera rejoins the group with gear in tow, ready to begin the investigation.Yeah. Sorry about the delay.
  17. mazzoli

    Anyone Willing To Run Kingmaker? (Full)

    I'll take this moment to let everybody know that I'm still aboard and ready to start things up once all the characters are decided and posted.
  18. mazzoli

    IC Game [Pathfinder] Diabolical Plots

    Jeslle almost lets go of the window frame in surprise. She then hops in the open window and wipes her mouth with her sleeve. "Yeeeeeeeech. I don't like girls like that. Why are you being so stubborn and weird?" She goes over to the door and steps back into the hall to see where Fir has gotten...
  19. mazzoli

    IC Game [Pathfinder] Diabolical Plots

    Jeslle notes Fir's quickness to get ready with approval and then dashes downstairs. She runs to the back of the inn and counts the windows. "That'll be the one, I think." With that she scrambles up the fencing on the stable, swings herself onto the roof, and runs along the length of the...
  20. mazzoli

    Appendix O: Encumbrance of Standard Items

    APPENDIX O: ENCUMBRANCE OF STANDARD ITEMS Item Encumbrance in gold pieces Backpack 20 Belt 3 Belt pouch, large 10 small...