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  1. G

    Pathfinder 1E Help with a Power Gamer [Pathfinder]

    Okay, I'm running a Pathfinder game and things have been going mostly well. We just had our 19th game session last night and we've been actively playing since Jan (started planning in Dec).. The big problem that I have is that one of the players has taken their Summoner Class character...
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    Rethinking Familiars

    With the look at the new suggested rule for familiar, it again looks like we are going to get a blase version of the rules. If anything, the familiar rules most resembles Vaarsuvius' Ravenfrom the Order of the Stick. It's Poke-Familiar! Two ideas from other systems for familiars might do more...
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    DnD Podcast April 13

    Just sitting down now to listen to DnD Podcast. It is supposed to have Mike Mearles and Jeremy Crawford talking on the DnD Next Playtest. Then a discussion on Lords of Waterdeep. Dungeons & Dragons Roleplaying Game Official Home Page - Article (D&D Podcast)
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    Monte Cook: Guidance for Monsters and Treasure

    Monte Cook's new blog with a poll. Whoops! Browser Settings Incompatible Thoughts?
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    Rule of Three: 20/3/12

    New Rule of Three up. Dungeons & Dragons Roleplaying Game Official Home Page - Article (Rule-of-Three: 03/20/2012) I liked the discussion on minions and it is essentially how I am doing that sort of thing in PF. Alignments - well there are threads already on that topic and it really doesn't...
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    L&L Turning & Churning

    Mike Mearls talking on his view of Clerics and Turning. Dungeons & Dragons Roleplaying Game Official Home Page - Article (Turning and Churning) I'm not opposed to the PF cleric 'nuke' (though it did eliminate 18 of my ratling horde on Saturday night in one swoop though it did blast the players...
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    Mearls New Campaign

    One of the quotes from the L&L article this week intrigued me. It is different enough from the currently 11 page discussion on Save or Die mechanics that I thought it deserved a separate thread here. I find it interesting to see what Mike Mearls has chosen as his base set of rules and that he...
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    A Better Monster Manuel

    I was thinking of how the MM for 5e could be designed better. The last several generations of Monster Manuals or Bestiaries have been mostly Encyclopedias of weird creatures with stat blocks. There is some fluff text (which decreased in 4e) and hopefully a bit of tactical advice and usage...
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    New Thought on Powers

    What I am thinking on is how 4e powers tend to be combat focused. They have the separate category of Utility Powers and Rituals for non-combat. This simplifies the powers but limits most of the game play and application for the character's powers to encounter situations. I was thinking that...
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    Conditions and the Solo Monster

    One of the things that comes up in 4e and to a lesser extent in other editions is the effect of certain effects or conditions on a single target or Solo monster. A hold monster spell that gets through on a group of monsters only stops a single monster from attacking. The same spell on a single...