• The VOIDRUNNER'S CODEX is coming! Explore new worlds, fight oppressive empires, fend off fearsome aliens, and wield deadly psionics with this comprehensive boxed set expansion for 5E and A5E!

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  1. M

    D&D 5E Goodman Games Announces 5e Modules

    After reading some more of this thread, I do see that Goodman will be offering free PDF updates as time goes on, which is a plus. Still I believe I will wait until the complete rules are out, and WotC decides how they are going to handle the licensing. Then if the good folks at Necromancer and...
  2. M

    D&D 5E Goodman Games Announces 5e Modules

    My thought exactly, while Goodman and Necromancer were two of my favorite 3E, 3rd party publishers I really don't care for how they are going about this, plus since they don't have the actual rules I don't have much faith in them producing a good product that is compatible with 5th Edition...
  3. M

    D&D 5E Background Page from PH(B)

    Kind of disappointed, nothing new in the preview, other than the art(which I do like),
  4. M

    D&D 5E Opening Page of the PHB

    I like it (much more to my tastes than what I have seen in 3E, 4E or Pathfinder)
  5. M

    D&D 5E D&D Livestream: Lost Mine of Phandelve Todayr 4 PM PT

    I checked that, but in the playtest a swift spell could be part of another action, but that other action could not be another spell. So you could cast a swift spell, move and attack, but not cast a swift spell, move and cast another spell.(I thought in the video the DM gave her the option of...
  6. M

    D&D 5E D&D Livestream: Lost Mine of Phandelve Todayr 4 PM PT

    This confused me (very new to 5E, I downloaded all the playtest packets but only glanced over them). From what I read you can move and take an action (pretty standard). Casting a spell (or attacking, ect) is an action. So how was casting healing word not an action? (I heard it was a "bonus"...
  7. M

    D&D 5E Starter set being shipped early in Canada

    Is the spectator, a floating orb like monster similar to(but much weaker than) a beholder, from L1 The Secret of Bone Hill?
  8. M

    D&D 5E Starter set being shipped early in Canada

    Twig Blights and Gricks, two of my favorite monsters from 3E.
  9. M

    D&D 5E 5e Hobgoblin stat block

    True, seems a bit much to me as well. Another thought was to drop the bonus damage all together, and if two or more hobgoblins(or an ally with martial advantage) attack a single target, they all attack with advantage. Again, I'm not changing anything until I actually run some games and see all...
  10. M

    D&D 5E 5e Hobgoblin stat block

    I was discussing this ability with my son, since he comes from the newer editions, I wanted to get his input on the martial advantage ability. I was surprised that even he thought it was a bit much and offered that perhaps it should only work when the hobgoblin's ally also has the Martial...
  11. M

    D&D 5E 5e Hobgoblin stat block

    Good point, my example was in the extreme.
  12. M

    D&D 5E 5e Hobgoblin stat block

    After some more thought, I think I am firmly in the camp of I don't like this ability, as it stands now. (However I still intend to run everything btb for a while before making any house rules.) I don't see how it can be argued it is a "formation" tactic, no formation is required whatsoever...
  13. M

    Replacing the human "+1 all" bonus...

    I agree, if the demi-humans get a +2/+1 ability boosts, then I don't have a problem with humans getting a +1 to all stats.
  14. M

    D&D 5E 5e Hobgoblin stat block

    I like the thought behind ability, hobgoblins in my campaigns have always given PCs fit due to their discipline and tactics in battle, but an extra 2d6 damage seem a bit high to me, but like everything else that seem "off" to me I will wait and see it in play before passing final judgement.
  15. M

    D&D 5E D&D Unboxing Starter Set Video is on Youtube

    Getting away from the second wind, short rest "debate". I wish they could have gotten a better shot of the monster section. I am curious to see how they compare to the last play tests. (Monsters are one the first things I check when I start looking at a new system.)
  16. M

    D&D 5E D&D Unboxing Starter Set Video is on Youtube

    +1 I don't think anyone is changing their thoughts on this, both sides have stated how they interpret the rule. There is plenty more in the box to talk about.