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  1. SeprenMaelstrom

    Ritual Caster VS Alchemist - starting question

    Some classes [like the Druid I'm currently building] get Ritual Caster as a class feature; you get 1 class-specific ritual and another one of level 1. Now, you can take Alchemist as a replacement for Ritual Caster. This is all fine. What I'm not finding is whether or not you begin knowing any...
  2. SeprenMaelstrom

    Would this work? Half-elf Dilletente question

    For future use, I am building a half-elf Bard [the Cunning variety] at level 3. I wanted to take an at-will from another class that would benefit from my bard's ability scores. With that in mind, I chose the Sorcerer power Dragonfrost as it runs off of Charisma, pushes incoming enemies away 1...