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  1. strider13x

    D&D 5E D&D 5E Does flanking grant advantage ?

    So I'm a douche? Wow, :):):):) you Awesome Adam. Now I'm a douche.
  2. strider13x

    D&D 5E D&D 5E Does flanking grant advantage ?

    It not an issue at my table when I DM. My players tell me an intent and I make call. My players trust I am acting in the interest of fun and fairness. It appears to me when these discussions come up it arises more when that trust has eroded between players and DM. That's no fun and I don't play...
  3. strider13x

    D&D 5E D&D 5E Does flanking grant advantage ?

    The problem doesn't exist in that it's a DM call. The players don't get to decide "I'm flanking so give me my bonus". They can state the intent, but the DM gets to rule if and when Advantage is given. No need to specifically qualify if a monster can avoid being flanked, the situation will inform...
  4. strider13x

    D&D 5E Deal Breakers - Or woah, that is just too much

    I only play in point-buy games, or pre-gens. Keeps everyone even and honest. Other than that I'm open as long as the type of game is agreed on in advance. PvP and house rules are fine if I'm aware of it.
  5. strider13x

    D&D 5E D&D 5E Does flanking grant advantage ?

    Yeah, because everybody is standing so still during a fight... That is the issue with gridded combat, it assumes everyone is static. In an actual fight to the death it isn't so simple, who is letting someone get behind you like that? Only the DM (and some special abilities) grants advantage, not...
  6. strider13x

    D&D 5E Ideas for a mini-campaign

    Mines of Madness!!
  7. strider13x

    D&D 5E How has your gaming style evolved over the years?

    Went from AD&D playing really loose (I was like 10), to 2nd edition following all the rules (pre-skills and powers era). Moved to HERO System for the crunch. Mostly missed 3e, then rediscovered D&D just before 4e Essentials because my son was 7 and old enough to try. This is where my rpg world...
  8. strider13x

    D&D 5E Running a Maze: Is there a better way to do it?

    Skill challenge. This allows you to describe the scene rather than focus on the tedium of map drawing. Failures lead to lost time or fights, requires 3 successes in a row to find the end. Time should be essential to make it important enough for the players to want to complete!
  9. strider13x

    Illusions and Passive Investigation

    Overall I would say let the dice decide when you as DM are not sure, apply Advantage or Disadvantage as appropriate. Keep in mind the motivations of the people that are being fooled, does the orc guard from the previous example really have motivation to be suspect of the additional crate? Or is...
  10. strider13x

    Illusions and Passive Investigation

    Throwing in my 2cp on this example... The Barbarian stated his goal and is focused on looking for illusions. He should gain advantage on his passive score (+5). But that focus will cost him, he is alerting the goblins in the other room because of all that incessant tapping!
  11. strider13x

    D&D 5E The "more complex" fighter: What are you looking for?

    Stances are another thing that could add to the Fighter. Offensive Stance, +1 hit, -1 AC. Give them 3-5 Stances they can select from round to round to make the player feel warm and fuzzy about the mechanics.
  12. strider13x

    D&D 5E The "more complex" fighter: What are you looking for?

    Complexity can lie in the description of HP loss, not every strike draws blood so use HP to describe more interesting effects. Not as mechanically interesting I know but that's the beauty of HP!
  13. strider13x

    Can you shoot a bow and wear a shield at the same time?

    Salmon would work just as well. I would say a shield could be "worn" (as in you do not have to drop the item), but you gain no AC benefit on the round the bow was used.
  14. strider13x

    D&D 5E Class Advice

    Gnome Rogue Arcane Trickster Charlatan who convinces everyone he is an Archmage! But be useful at least...
  15. strider13x

    D&D 5E Just played one of my D&D board games and there's one thing I think could greatly benefit the current edition (or any really)

    I can picture the player entitlement now... "But he's at 1/2 HP and is supposed to run away! You're DMing wrong!" I would leave tactics in the modules/adventures rather than in the MM.
  16. strider13x

    D&D 5E Robin Hood ish setting?

    One approach could be the king died and there is multiple folks vying for the throne. The Church has to bless the king, the Sheriff has a claim as does the leader of the local thieves guild (which operates from the forest). And the local Mages guild knows of powerful artifacts that can sway the...
  17. strider13x

    D&D 5E So which adventures/campaigns have you played so far?

    DM for Phandelver then to Ravenloft as they left the lost mines. They only way to leave is on a Spelljammer! (they don't know that part yet...) I own HotDQ/RoT but one of my players promised to run it for me. I'm looking to buy OotA for the next campaign.
  18. strider13x

    D&D 5E Phandelver to Tyranny of Dragons?

    Another approach could be to have the characters arrive at Greenest depleted of resources. Sure, you're 4th level but you've expended almost all you're spells and you only have 10 HP because (insert offscreen encounter). You round the bend looking forward to a long rest in town when a dragon...
  19. strider13x

    D&D 5E Stealth & that big Rock!

    As to the question of cover I tend to give the opponent the +2AC when the attacker is just popping his head out to shoot. I look at it as you're moving so fast you don't have time to aim properly. That assumes they want to keep their +5AC, if they don't then maybe no cover applies. Again, all...
  20. strider13x

    D&D 5E Stealth & that big Rock!

    I still feel the specific situation calls for a DM ruling, it's not as black and white as you presented. Just because I can see you DOESNT mean you can auto see me. Other terrain can interfere, other characters may be distracting the target. This is why we use dice to determine outcomes, let the...