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  1. W

    Zork creators Wired interview a text game!

    Love the little text adventure they included on the page. Wired's features are always great.
  2. W

    [Trailer] Oblivion

    The premise sounded pretty cool but, watching the trailer, it looks like just another blockbuster-type action flick. Could just be the editing, but that sums up my feelings about it from what I've seen so far.
  3. W

    For Star Trek Lovers, Comic Readers, and Gamers

    Had no idea about this. The only Star Trek comics I'm familiar with are the more traditional kind (i.e. comic book magazines) from Marvel and Dark Horse. This would have made a great Christmas gift for a Trekkie friend of mine, heh.
  4. W

    Baldur's Gate Enhanced Edition Launches Today!

    This looks interesting. Wish this was on Steam or GoG, though - those are the main places I get my games. Are there any plans for this to happen? I don't really like getting my games in too many different places - bought Grand Theft Auto IV on the cheap from some site a long time ago, installed...
  5. W

    [Trailer] Man of Steel

    So far I like the feel of what they've shown but hopefully the actual execution will live up to the trailers. I don't personally mind most liberties taken when it comes to adapting superheroes for the big screen as long as they preserve the core of the character and tell a good story.
  6. W

    Syfy's New Year's Twilight Zone marathon (Monday, 12/31/12 - Wednesday, 1/2/13)

    Thanks for the heads up! I definitely have to catch this even if only some of it.
  7. W

    December - What are you reading?

    I always have a ton of open books but I'm currently mainly reading Ian Banks' "Consider Phlebas". Really great stuff so far - the language and everything feels very modern which is something I am always nitpicking when I read older sci-fi books (though, to be fair, this one isn't that old).
  8. W

    Christmas Special The Snowmen

    Going to watch this tonight. I've been told it's really good. To be honest, I was disappointed with last year's special - it wasn't bad, but my favorite was 2010's "A Christmas Carol" which I felt set the bar for how to do a good Doctor Who Christmas story.
  9. W

    This Weekend @ The BoxOffice 2012_Dec.26

    Interesting, pretty much everyone I know went to see the Hobbit. I have been wanting to see Les Misérables, by the way! Glad to hear that it's good. Hope the way they adapted the story isn't too confusing, though.
  10. W

    Class Design Concepts

    I'm liking the general direction of this so far. I'm also particularly glad that they are being so open with the design process. I'm actually pretty new to DnD so seeing how things are changing or just the general concept Wizards have for how things should be is great.
  11. W

    Gygax Magazine? [UPDATE 3 - Electric Boogaloo]

    talien: Thanks for the link. Good bunch of info in there. I wonder what the subscription model will be like for the digital version (e.g. cheaper?). I know that the focus is on getting the print magazine out first, but I personally don't subscribe to that kind of thing anymore - though this, of...