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Search results

  1. BruceB

    "Planar Handbook" - completlely useless?

    I'm passing this along to the author of that chapter, Doug Oglesby. He'll be pleased. Doug's an artist at Redstorm Entertainment, and has experience in the initial design part of computer game design - figuring out the intended tone and all, and how to convey it in play. I was really, really...
  2. BruceB

    I hope Eberron is a flop. Am I evil?

    And this is absolutely crucial in gaming, which is most of the time really a derivative medium. Those of us who labor in the fields of gaming creativity like to come up with neat brand-new stuff, but most gamers most of the time are looking for setting and events that let them draw on...
  3. BruceB

    How many editions of Gamma World were made and which is the best?

    There are times when "which is best?" isn't a very meaningful question, I think, and one of those times is discussing a game that's been through significantly different editions. Which is better, clam chowder, the color blue, or the Buggles' 2nd album? Well, it depends on what you want to do...
  4. BruceB

    The Big, Grand Dave's Gamma World d20 Game Thread! (Longy)

    Being a literary man, I think of "generic" in its role as the adjective form of "genre". Clive Barker writes this at the opening of Weaveworld: Put those together, and I picture the Knights of Generic Purity as a particularly violent sort of philosophical conservative - Harold Bloom with guns...
  5. BruceB

    Aberrant and Adventure! D20 books, how are they?

    I haven't read Aberrant d20 yet, but Adventure d20 rocks. Jim Kiley et al did a fantastic job translating the concepts to d20, and there's a ton of useful stuff in it. (I've drawn it for several of my recent PDFs at RPG Now.) It also incorporates a few conceptual clarifications, particularly...
  6. BruceB

    The Big, Grand Dave's Gamma World d20 Game Thread! (Longy)

    The Tactically Augmented Firearm, or "Genghis Gun", is a self-aware individual firearm programmed with extensive strategic and tactical lore, and fairly advanced sensors in addition to a lot of destructive capacity. Its goal is to help its wielder be the best soldier possible. It will provide...
  7. BruceB

    The Big, Grand Dave's Gamma World d20 Game Thread! (Longy)

    Oh yeah. Got small stuff going up at RPG Now now (see my sig file), at least one bigger d20 project now in the planning and outlining stage, and at least one solicitation incoming. Plus, of course, non-d20 work like the new edition of Whispering Vault. Dave, a suggestion: there are gangs in the...
  8. BruceB

    The Big, Grand Dave's Gamma World d20 Game Thread! (Longy)

    I don't have a lot to contribute right now, but...I love the setup. :)
  9. BruceB

    Dancey resigns as GAMA Treasurer

    As I understand it, selling to the chain stores just is a brutal business. You see a big shelf, but you don't see the turnover in it - how much gets whisked off and shipped back to make space for the next batch, and how much the stores expect the publisher to give them credit toward the cost of...
  10. BruceB

    Dancey resigns as GAMA Treasurer

    A couple belated comments: I am one of the primary vectors for the info about Underground's sales, and my source is Ray Winninger himself. Those who've dealt with Ray know him to be an honest and forthright guy. I trust him to be informed and to tell me straight. So it's not just random...
  11. BruceB

    Vampire The Masquerade D20?

    Buzz, to answer a question from a few days back: Yes, a print collection is likely when I've done maybe ten or a dozen of these. I will not be shy about announcing it, if and when. :)
  12. BruceB

    Vampire The Masquerade D20?

    I will! Though I'll want to survey the existing options in that regard first - I may end up saying "look, X did it better than I would, so buy that book". :)
  13. BruceB

    Vampire The Masquerade D20?

    Glad you liked it! The second, the Half-Fiend, is up now (see my sig file). Yes, I do plan to do werewolves, and also ghosts. Those will be relatively option-heavy, of course, because as with vampires, there's so many neat possibilities in folklore and fiction to loot from. I'll be interspersing...
  14. BruceB

    Vampire The Masquerade D20?

    It's not precisely the same thing, but my Monstrous Advanced Classes: The Vampire covers a lot of the same territory in myth, legend, and pop culture that Vampire: The Masquerade does, offering you options for easily constructing vampires in different styles. (I'm working on a follow-up file, A...
  15. BruceB

    D20 'philosophy' cramping my style

    I'm going to engage in a little self-promotion while providing an example. :) My first independent d20 project, Monstrous Advanced Classes: The Vampire, is now on sale at RPG Now. I took the vampire template and reworked it into a d20M advanced class with a mess of options for customizing the...
  16. BruceB

    Monstrous Advanced Classes: The Vampire - Ronin Arts & Bruce Baugh

    Phil Reed has published my first foray into independent d20 writing, Monstrous Advanced Classes: The Vampire. This is the first of a series of products that'll transform monster templates into advanced classes for d20 Modern use. It's $1.99 at RPG Now, a bit under 5,000 words long, and is...
  17. BruceB

    D20 'philosophy' cramping my style

    Briefly, then: No, d20 writing is not as a whole getting stupider. Just the opposite, in fact. This year has seen a serious boom in cleverly conceived and artistically implemented work that tunes the raw mechanics to all kinds of interesting specific effects, like Conan and OGL Steampunk and...
  18. BruceB

    D20 'philosophy' cramping my style

    Ahh, this is a subject I have very strong feelings about. When I offer someone a book (or PDF or whatever) for sale, I feel that I'm telling them implicitly "This works with the rules for the game I say it's for." You may have all kinds of house rules, but they are your choice, and you as a...
  19. BruceB

    Is it cheating for a GM to use a published adventure?

    I came across a fascinating statement on this very subject from David Cronenberg. This is out of a book of interviews done back in the early '90s:
  20. BruceB

    Pulling the Plug: Personal News

    (I'm posting this to all of the places I discuss gaming work with the public.) As some of you know, I have been ill throughout my adult life with a complex set of immunological, neurological, and metabolic problems, difficult to diagnose and more difficult to treat usefully. I've had up years...