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Search results

  1. D

    Gamehackery: Valar Morghulis and DMing

    Two points of order, and large pet peeves of mine. First, it's Wookiee, with two Es at the end. Second, Wookiees speak Shyriiwook. I had a homebrew world where there were several different languages that had evolved from a few seed languages over the centuries. The players didn't pay much...
  2. D

    The 7-Day RPG Contest [Voting is over!]

    Thank you! The original concept was one I had a while back, but it was much more of a "traditional RPG" in the fact that you had players, a GM, and defined characters that you advanced through play, and it didn't gel very well. When this competition came about, I had just seen the link that had...
  3. D

    The 7-Day RPG Contest [Voting is over!]

    Oh my gosh. Thank you everyone. There was some very, very solid competition, and I'm extremely flattered that my entry was chosen over some of the other games. Thanks to Morrus for giving me the chance to flex my design muscles a little bit by hosting the competition.
  4. D

    The 7-Day RPG Contest [Voting is over!]

    I don't know. It feels too similar to Greg Stolze's Token Effort system for ... In Spaaace! for it to really stand out to me. It's its own game to be sure, but I definitely felt like I've seen it before when I read through it.
  5. D

    Numenera RPG

    Have you actually read any of the material that Monte has offered on the mechanics and play style? The mechanics are unlike anything I have ever seen in an RPG. They're simple, but there's a lot of substance to them including a good deal of resource management. And the idea behind GM Intrusion...
  6. D

    The 7-Day RPG Contest [Voting is over!]

    A vote for Daughters of Lear is a vote for freedom and two-parent families! :p In all honesty, I would really appreciate a vote if you feel it's deserved. I wrote the game over a couple of days based on an idea that I had a while ago but never got around to writing for some reason or another. I...
  7. D

    Question regarding the 7-Day RPG Contest

    Question on the voting process. How is this going to happen? Is it going to be open to everyone or just to ENWorld members?
  8. D

    It's The EN World 7-Day RPG Contest! $1000 Prize!

    Daughters of Lear is the storytelling roleplaying game in the tradition of games like Fiasco. Drawing on the timeless themes and traditions of playwrights like Shakespeare, Daughters of Lear puts you and your friends in the roles of the principle actors of your very own play, utilizing a simple...