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  1. P

    D&D 5E DM's: How Do You Justify NPC's Having Magic/Abilities That Don't Exist in the PHB?

    Just want to thank everyone for all of the tremendous input! It’s been invaluable. Please keep it going, the conversation is opening up my noob eyes to all sorts of possibilities.
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    D&D 5E DM's: How Do You Justify NPC's Having Magic/Abilities That Don't Exist in the PHB?

    Looking for some input on how you DM's justify in-game mechanics or magical effects that some npc's may have, but aren't listed in the PHB? For ex., you want your BBEG to appear in hologram/projected form before the pc's and kill one of his own minions with Power Word: Kill. His projected image...
  3. P

    D&D 5E Is This Legendary Sword Overpowered?

    This is all excellent advice. Many thanks, everybody. Going to look into combining the alternate rest rules with creating much more of a time crunch to see how that changes the nature of their combat encounters overall.
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    D&D 5E Is This Legendary Sword Overpowered?

    Excellent point. A bit off-topic for the thread but any suggestions on how to discourage shorts rests outside of having random encounters interrupt them? I think that's another issue. . . I'm letting them rest too often.
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    D&D 5E Is This Legendary Sword Overpowered?

    The idea would be that it would last until your next rest.
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    D&D 5E Is This Legendary Sword Overpowered?

    This is great point, Flamestrike. Unfortunately my group and I can only play for a max of three hours, usually two, a week. This can make it tough to get enough encounters in to tax their resources so I wind up bumping the CR on the few encounters they do have. Not working great so far, admittedly.
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    D&D 5E Is This Legendary Sword Overpowered?

    Thanks for the clarification, Stalker0. So you track the crits until the bonus dmg occurs, then it lasts until the next short rest at which point the cycle begins again. All good questions, ccs. In terms of fun, I think this would be a blast and that the PC would love it. That said, regarding...
  8. P

    D&D 5E Is This Legendary Sword Overpowered?

    Genius. Elegant, simple, and in keeping with the 5e mechanics. Many thanks for the input, Stalker0, very much appreciated. Just a couple of questions. . . is advantage on all melee attacks for this PC for a maybe two full combats too much, do you think? Also, the chances of 5 crits between two...
  9. P

    D&D 5E Is This Legendary Sword Overpowered?

    I'd like to give the 9th level Vengeance paladin in my party a legendary sword that uses the Devour the Weak strength-stealing mechanic of Craven Edge, a homebrew item given to a player in Critical Role. Craven Edge It will be a +1 weapon for now. However, as this is a good-aligned sentient...
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    D&D 5E How Do I Make A Melee DEX Fighter Like THIS Guy (video link included)?!

    Many thanks, everyone, for all of the input. This has given me a number of options to work with. Very much appreciated!
  11. P

    D&D 5E How Do I Make A Melee DEX Fighter Like THIS Guy (video link included)?!

    Thanks very much for the replies thus far! Very much appreciated.
  12. P

    D&D 5E How Do I Make A Melee DEX Fighter Like THIS Guy (video link included)?!

    Like the title says, I'd love to optimize a dude like this Shadow Warrior from this Warhammer cinematic. However, I don't care much about the ranged so I'd prefer not to go into feats or a fighting style to support ranged. https://youtu.be/2iO9cGopQq0?t=3m2s Rather, I want to be an insanely...
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    D&D 5E Oh, Man, Do I Need Some DM Tips. . .

    A quick update. . . we had our next session this past weekend and it went much better, thanks to you all. I certainly didn't take any quantum leaps as a DM (that's going to take time) but I felt good about the progress that was made. I embraced the game style that they prefer (math...
  14. P

    D&D 5E Oh, Man, Do I Need Some DM Tips. . .

    There is an absolutely astounding amount of phenomenal advice in this thread, thank you all. It's truly appreciated. My week has been insane with work but I will be posting a proper response asap. In the meantime, many thanks again!
  15. P

    D&D 5E Oh, Man, Do I Need Some DM Tips. . .

    Man, this is a hell of a supportive and insightful community. Tremendous thanks for all of the responses thus far! I'll be responding to them further but am simply digesting the excellent input right now. Again, many thanks.
  16. P

    D&D 5E Oh, Man, Do I Need Some DM Tips. . .

    My group and I are meeting about every two weeks now for three hours, which is great for us as we all have hectic schedules. Tonight they fought the BBEG and her minions to end the first chapter of an old AP we're running (RotRL converted to 5e). Man, I was horrendous. I did my best to come...
  17. P

    D&D 5E Best 5e YouTubers

    Dude, Absolute Tabletop. I have no idea how these guys aren't youtube 5e stars. Start with "The Provokers" series. Matt Click is far and away my favorite DM. He and his players are hardcore roleplayers and not beer and pretzels at all, which is just my preference. All rolling occurs off...
  18. P

    D&D 5E Need Image or Thoughts on BBEG's Appearance, Please Help!

    Many thanks to both Cyber-Dave and ccs. Both are inspired responses!
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    D&D 5E Need Image or Thoughts on BBEG's Appearance, Please Help!

    TL;DR at bottom. I'm running Rise of the Runelords (a Pathfinder adventure path) adapted for 5e, thus I'm placing this question here. The final BBEG, dude named Karzoug whom the party won't encounter for a very long time (not until level 20, they're currently lvl 3) is starting to make...
  20. P

    D&D 5E DM Needs Help Finding Pacing/RP Balance

    These replies are all extremely helpful and very much appreciated, thanks! Completely agree with iserith that Mercer's narration of the characters' actions should actually be turned over to the group as opposed to handled by the DM. These are excellent suggestions, many of which I feel like...