Search results

  1. Stumblewyk

    LF 1-2 Players in Reading/Elizabethtown PA

    Hi LonelyYoda. Sorry, but the group isn't looking to add anyone right now.
  2. Stumblewyk

    Seeking 5e/PF Players near Perkiomenville, PA

    Greetings. I'm looking for 4-5 players for a "Fall of Rome"-era fantasy campaign set in an alternate history of our world where high elves founded a Roman-esque empire spanning most of the known world. I'd like to play 2 Thursdays per month from 6:00-9:00 PM at Caffeinated Gaming in...
  3. Stumblewyk

    Looking for one more for Pathfinder in Pottstown, PA-area

    Hey there. My regular, mostly-monthly, Friday gaming group is looking to add one more player for our Pathfinder game. We're all in our mid-to-later 30's, laid-back, casual gamers who get together and crack bad jokes, make stupid references, drink a beer or two, eat some pizza and roll some...
  4. Stumblewyk

    Need a suitably evil plan for a villain.

    I've decided that I'm going with a two-pronged approach. Above all things, despite his power, wealth, and resources, Cain's a coward. If not for his moaning about being an outcast walker of the earth in Genesis, he never would have received Jehova's "protection" in the form of the Sevenfold...
  5. Stumblewyk

    Need a suitably evil plan for a villain.

    I guess I should specify - the Sevenfold Curse specifically applies to physical harm. Cain CAN be outsmarted, maneuvered, and defeated by non-physical stresses. Also, I guess I just feel like that's a little obvious. I mean, I guess no matter how you work it, what Cain's attempting is an...
  6. Stumblewyk

    Need a suitably evil plan for a villain.

    First, some backstory: I've been out of the GM'ing chair for a few months due to a move, and a few other family-related issues. I'll be resuming GM responsibilities for my group shortly after the New Year. I've decided I'm starting a new game in FATE, running an "American Gods"-inspired game...
  7. Stumblewyk

    [March] What are you reading?

    Finished 11/22/63, by Stephen King. Decently handled time-travel/fix-the-past/save-the-future novel. Just started reading We Need to Talk About Kevin, by Lionel Shriver. Not sure I'm enjoying it, but I'm going to see it through until the end.
  8. Stumblewyk

    January : What are you reading?

    Stupid double post. Sorry.
  9. Stumblewyk

    January : What are you reading?

    Read the new Dresden Files, Cold Days, and am currently about 270 pages into the final Wheel of Time, A Memory of Light. Cold Days was a really great addition to the Dresden Files books, and hits on just about every cylinder. Very cool. A Memory of Light is good so far. I like what Sanderson...
  10. Stumblewyk

    December - What are you reading?

    Yeah, this is the first time since we got our Kindle Fires last January that both of us are reading real, physical books at the same time...just bad timing on our part.
  11. Stumblewyk

    [Trailer] Pacific Rim

    I'm pretty sure I'll be able to watch that movie every day for the rest of my life and never get bored of it once. I don't care what the mechas look like, the monsters are huge, and people are fighting them with giant robots. I'm in.
  12. Stumblewyk

    December - What are you reading?

    Currently smack-dab in the middle of Cloud Atlas. Once that's done with, I'll have to wrestle Cold Days out of my wife's hands.
  13. Stumblewyk

    Netflix or Redbox?

    I have the streaming option for Netflix, and use Redbox frequently. The Redbox app on my phone and Kindle Fire make renting from my local kiosks a BREEZE. I can browse each kiosk's stock, pick the movies I want, reserve them online, and then just walk up to the kiosk and swipe my card. BAM...
  14. Stumblewyk

    [November] What are you reading?

    - Sorry for the double post...not sure how that happened. -
  15. Stumblewyk

    [November] What are you reading?

    Finished The Twelve, now going to read Cloud Atlas, before I deign to watch the movie. The Twelve was entertaining, and a satisfying follow-up to The Passage. The beginning was a little slow, while the author chronicles the days and weeks immediately after the viral outbreak. Which struck me...
  16. Stumblewyk

    The Cthulhuoid Zodiac

    Nyralahotep-er here as well. Crawling Chaos in the house!
  17. Stumblewyk

    Why does the idea of no Free Will bother some people?

    I deny my natural tendencies and impulses all the time. I have Free Will. ... Or I don't, and I'm "programmed" to deny those impulses! I have no Free Will! ... Either way, I don't care. I function just fine, whether I'm allowed to choose my own behaviors or not. Doesn't change the fact...
  18. Stumblewyk

    [November] What are you reading?

    Just started Blackout by Mira Grant the other day. Finally going to finish the Newsflesh series. Then, it'll be on to The Three Stigmata of Palmer Eldritch by PKD.
  19. Stumblewyk

    Dresden Files RPG

    I'm a big fan of the system. I've played in one short campaign that died off only because the GM felt like he got in over his head (he didn't, but he wasn't enjoying running a game, so he got out before we got TOO far in) and one one-shot game with it. I'm also about to start a message board...
  20. Stumblewyk

    Is Time Travel (going backwards) Possible?

    This. I honestly believe if it were possible to travel backwards in time, someone, somewhere would turn it into a vacation of sorts. You'd see time travelers visiting key points in history to "be there" and witness it in person. Hell, I'd pony up the dough to do it. Wouldn't you like to have...