• The VOIDRUNNER'S CODEX is coming! Explore new worlds, fight oppressive empires, fend off fearsome aliens, and wield deadly psionics with this comprehensive boxed set expansion for 5E and A5E!

Search results

  1. SavingThrow

    Working on a new tutorial series covering Shadowrun 5e. What would you like to see?

    As the title says, I'm working on a new tutorial series with Saving Throw similar to what we did last season for Pathfinder. I'd be interested to know what concepts from the core rulebook you have difficulty with. Or is there something you'd love to teach newbies but always have a hard time...
  2. SavingThrow

    Running a 24-hour RPG livestream for charity this Saturday, can you help keep us going?

    Hey everyone! I'm coordinating an event with my group Saving Throw. We're going to be playing RPGs LIVE(!!) for 24-hours to raise money for the Alzheimer's Association. Starting this Saturday, June 20 at midnight PST (so 7am UTC, I believe) to midnight the morning of June 21. Details here...
  3. SavingThrow

    [Webseries] Premiere of Saving Throw - a series dedicated to teaching RPGs

    Hello everyone! Hope this is the right place to put this. It's a Press Release of sorts! The Saving Throw team and I have been working hard for over a year to bring you this show. After a successful Kickstarter campaign back in March, we are finally able to release episode one of the first...
  4. SavingThrow

    Building a Better Bard - Some examples of non-musical bards for character builds

    Hey all! We've got a new article over at the Saving Throw site. Author Felix Danger gives some advice to anyone struggling with building an accessible and fun bard. It can often be intimidating taking on a character who is, at times, far more role than play. But oftentimes these awesomely adept...
  5. SavingThrow

    Creating Villains - The Ones You Love to Hate

    We've got a new article up on Saving Throw about creating compelling and memorable villains for your campaigns. Would love any feedback! Thanks! Creating Villains - The Ones You Love to Hate
  6. SavingThrow

    Beyond Treasure: Making Loot Memorable

    Hey all! New blog post over at Saving Throw about turning simple loot into effective treasure. Take a look, leave a comment if you like (or don't!). What are some ways you've incorporated treasure into your games? For me, when players get a little too loot-crazy, I love to drop in a cursed item...
  7. SavingThrow

    Kickstarter [Kickstarter] Saving Throw - an instructional webseries about RPGs

    Hello! Saving Throw will be a series of how-to videos designed to be a quick reference for the new and old player. Hosted by Ivan Van Norman, Amy Vorpahl, and Ben Dunn, Saving Throw tackles the hows AND the whys around playing pen & paper RPGs. Are you willing to join the Saving Throw army of...
  8. SavingThrow

    My group made a D&D music video!

    Hey everyone! The group I play in decided to make a music video based off of the campaign we had just started. We shot this a few months ago and while the campaign has progressed (and even switched systems) I think this accurately portrays the fun we have when playing. I hope you enjoy it as...