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  1. J

    D&D 4E Alas, poor Raknor - List your character deaths in 4e so far!

    Rune, Dwarven Warlock got killed by a couple of Ettercaps. He let them flank him, wanting his armor of agathys to do some extra damage. It did. They also did more damage than he expected. He went from alive with a few HP to negative bloodied HP. Insta death. In my other game, the...
  2. J

    Noticing the hidden

    In the case of an area attack, yes, that has some value. I suppose I should have stated that I was focused more on the other case... that of a non-aoe attacking creature trying to attack a stealthed creature. In which case, you need to know the exact location. I didn't at all. I was...
  3. J

    Noticing the hidden

    I can see what you're saying, but I'm still unsure. -10 penalty is huge, particularly being a contested roll in which the enemy is most likely the same level. If the stealther and perceiver have the same bonuses, an 11+ on the stealth roll means the perceiver loses, all the time. So I can...
  4. J

    Noticing the hidden

    From re-reading both sections I would disagree. It looks like a case of "specific overrules general". Otherwise, you end up with the weird case of: -standard action perception check with no penalty allows you to "spot" the monster, but says nothing about then being able to target it. -minor...
  5. J

    Noticing the hidden

    So, now that we've had a chance to see the new stealth rules, I've seen some confusion about what sort of action it takes to notice someone who's hidden in combat. A lot of people have been saying it's a Standard action, as per the Perception rules on pg. 186. However, this appears to only...
  6. J

    Swordmage Implement with Wizard powers?

    Only to save money, or for a shield. All the warlock and wizard implements can be used one-handed, so unless you can't afford it or have taken shield proficiency feat (why are you pumping you str as a wiz/warlock? Aren't you MAD enough already?), just use one implement in each hand. Works out...
  7. J

    New stealth stuff from WotC

    Well, at level 1 alone there are 2 options that move the Rogue around, 2 that move an enemy around, and 2 that straight up give you combat advantage regardless of flanking. The designers understood that the Rogue would mostly be using CA for Sneak Attack, and built a lot of mobility into...
  8. J

    Swordmage Implement with Wizard powers?

    Holy Avenger says it can be used as a holy symbol. Clerics can use holy symbols as implements. Ergo, Clerics can use Holy Avengers as implements.
  9. J

    New stealth stuff from WotC

    I really don't think this is the case, although I did for a while there. It's not a matter of "you lose hidden after any square of movement", it's "you lose hiden after the action in which you didn't remain hidden completes". To put it more succinctly: At any point in an action, if you go...
  10. J

    New stealth stuff from WotC

    At first I agreed with your interpretation Kordeth, but the more I think about it the more I think the other interpretation of "remaining hidden" is proably correct. Here's some thoughts... I think so, yes. If it seems really oddly illogical, just assume that when you're moving you're...
  11. J

    New stealth stuff from WotC

    EDIT: Ninja'd, like, 3 times over. :D
  12. J

    New stealth stuff from WotC

    I don't think this has been posted anywhere, which makes me think that it's new info. There's a reasonably lengthy Stealth excerpt in the rules compendium on the wizards site. http://www.wizards.com/default.asp?x=dnd/insider/compendium I can't link directly to the article, but just search...
  13. J

    Good on paper, bad in play.

    I was thinking the same thing. The fighter in our group often uses it at the beginning of combat... assesing the situation and deciding that it would be useful then using it as his first or second minor action. You don't have to be bloodied to activate it, just bloodied for it to have any...
  14. J

    Forked Thread: DM advise for an all-striker party?-Pushing/Forcing players into roles

    And this is, I believe, the reason they did multiclassing the way they did in 4th. It's not intended as a way to make split classes, it's a way to help fill out situations in which a needed role is empty.
  15. J

    Healing Potions seem odd

    To each his own, I guess. What you view as a system weakness, I view as a strength. Admittedly, you can play 4th just like you played 3rd, and you will probably end up with, as you say, TPK. You don't have those items anymore, so you shouldn't be dependant on them. You don't stop when...
  16. J

    D&D 4E a couple of questions about 4E rules...

    Best guess I can make as to why this rule is there is it's a failsafe for them in case they do make a power that's a bit ... overpowered. As it is, the character can only take it once so it's not a huge deal. If they could take it 3 or 4 times it'd be an entirely different story. How many...
  17. J

    Healing Potions seem odd

    Here's a thought. What level are you playing? What are you basing it against? At level 6, my paladin has 2/day and 1/encounter abilities to heal that either don't use surges at all (1/encounter power, the fantastic invigorating smite) or use his own rather high number instead of the...
  18. J

    Warlord - Maximize Healing

    My current main 4e game includes a Cleric and a Paladin (me, who's multi-d into warlord). Between the two of us, there's far more than enough healing for most situations. I wouldn't worry about it too much, it sounds like you're doing fine.
  19. J

    New errata for core books, dated 7/2/2008

    Check the newest version of the FAQ. It was clarified that weapon keywords only apply when weapon powers are used. Alas, I can't access the wizards site from work here so I can't give you a link but there was quite a long thread here on ENWorld about it.
  20. J

    TWF+Rogue Weapon Talent

    The wording is not concrete in either direction, which means, it's up to your DM to make a judgement call. Personally, I would say "no". I don't think a rogue should get a bonus to the weapon he's using simply because he's got a dagger in his other hand. Others (like Ruin Explorer above)...