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Search results

  1. Jim Jenkins

    Cultural Appropriation in role-playing games (draft)

    There's a good point here. "Tone" is an inherent point of the argument being made, in that the argument is basically "Stop being bad white cis males and be a good little ally." There is an accusation implicit in the argument and therefore it's nearly impossible to rebut it without tone policing...
  2. Jim Jenkins

    Cultural Appropriation in role-playing games (draft)

    I don't know if the problem is so much the "bludgeoning" but the selective judgment in the theory in the first place. It's another manifestation of Tumblr Social Justice Theory: Life as anyone but a straight white cis male is fraught with microaggressions that need to be constantly called out...
  3. Jim Jenkins

    Only in America

    Lately I've been wondering how common peanut butter is outside of the US.