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  1. M

    D&D 5E The Most Popular D&D Classes & Subclasses

    Not just barbarians. Way too much magic in almost every class. But that's just me.
  2. M

    D&D 5E What Makes an Orc an Orc?

    Sorry for asking, as I am not entirely sure of your position. Are you advocating the elimination of any and all mechanical expressions of various D&D races? If not, why only ability scores bonuses and not, say, wood elves 5ft speed bonus? PS. I am getting the impression this discussion has...
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    D&D 5E What Makes an Orc an Orc?

    Hey now! I like my savage Klingons, nefarious Romulans, and Orwellian Cardassians. :devilish: Jokes aside, these are fantasy races (species, if you will). Reducing them to humans with funny foreheads (okay, they kinda already are those! :unsure:) is doing everyone a disservice. Blatant racial...
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    D&D 5E What Makes an Orc an Orc?

    Helldritch is onto something. I don't quite understand why ability scores are being singled out. So, no race should be mechanically stronger or less intelligent than others because of potential real-world parallels, feeding into stereotypes etc. Fine. But what about all other mechanical...
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    D&D 5E The Most Popular D&D Classes & Subclasses

    True. A lot of people who approach the game from a more casual standpoint, as opposed to fine folks here, also appreciate straightforward easy-to-play classes without all kinds of bells and whistles. Hence the popularity of champions. Likewise, berserker berserks and hits stuff with his big axe...
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    Unearthed Arcana UA feats, are they trying to allow people to not have to multiclass to get class abilities?

    I love 2E -- first edition I played -- but multiclassing there was horrendously broken.
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    D&D General The diminishing effectiveness of armour across the editions

    As Mr. Spock once said: "Logic is the beginning of wisdom, not the end". Now replace "logic" with "mathematics".
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    D&D General Art in D&D

    First, let me say that I know very little about art and may not be able to accurately convey my thoughts on the subject. That said, I generally prefer more realistic and less "cartoony" proportions, stances, facial expressions, etc. in fantasy art. That's why I wasn't a fan of much of 4E...
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    D&D General Art in D&D

    Hmmm, what's Lenin doing there, was my first thought. ;)
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    Amazon: A deeply discounted PHB heads towards the top 10 and overall rankings still really high

    Yes, sadly. I should really buy a new Player's Handbook. Unfortunately, the book I got back in 2014/15 was one of those early-print-run PHs that came apart very soon because of atrocious binding. What I have today can't really be called a book anymore.
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    D&D 5E Game of Thrones-style Resurrection *spoilers*

    In ASoIaF there are two additional factors that are important to resurrections. The more time it passes between death and resurrection, the more physically disfigured and "deadlike" the revived person becomes. Therefore, since quite a few days passed before Catelyn was brought back, she's almost...
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    WotC Survey Result: Classes OK, Eberron Needs Work

    Well, to be honest, isn't there a somewhat loud contingent of people that has pretty much that same objection to bard: that he's too spell dependent and that his songs aren't differentiated and/or unique enough? There is some truth to that, though I'm personally very fond of 5E bards.
  13. M

    D&D 5E Sorcerer vs. Wizard: Anything You Can Do I Can Do Better?

    I am of the opinion that 5E sorcerer, as presented, has very few reasons to exist as a separate class. Make it a wizard's "school" and call it a day. Of course, in order for this to work properly and not clash with background and RP, the core wizard class would ideally have to move its choice of...
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    D&D 5E Dungeons and Dragons and the RPG Stigma

    Having one for mother, I can attest that this man speaks the truth, the whole truth and nothing but the truth.
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    D&D 5E Dungeons and Dragons and the RPG Stigma

    Because everything is allowed when there's money involved.
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    D&D 5E Jury duty still ongoing...

    If you can't get excused and your employer for whatever reason doesn't want to pay you, you'll receive a grand total of, what, cca $220 for one month of jury duty? Is the judicial system trying to starve you guys out? ;)
  17. M

    Sage Advice: Jeremy Crawford on Ability Checks & What They're Not

    Now you reminded me of the crazily great (or was it just crazy?) Baldur's Gate 2 magic countering system. Spell thrust, Breach, Spellstrike and its ilk opposed by stuff like Spell Trap, Spell Shield, etc. Then you count in Magic resistance that has to be lowered separately... I remember having...
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    D&D 5E Jury duty still ongoing...

    So, do jurors get paid? Are they locked away in the dungeon somewhere to avoid "contamination"? Sounds dreadful.
  19. M

    The DUNGEON MASTER'S GUIDE is out today!

    What the hell is the deal with DMG still hasn't been released, yet on their page stands 9 Dec as the date of release.