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  1. C

    The 10ish Best Reads of March and April

    Welcome back to the Top 10ish Best Reads of the Month! After an unfortunate layover for March due to computer issues that slowed me down substantially and that ended up utterly destroying my entire database of rpg blogs. So I spent the better part of the last two months rebuilding my rpg blog...
  2. C

    The 10(ish) Best Reads of February!

    February is not only the shortest month of the year but traditionally it’s also one of the lowest output months for role-playing bloggers with winter fatigue taking its toll on our creativity. This year, however, that trend didn’t hold true as more bloggers updated in February than did in...
  3. C

    7 Podcasts to Up Your Role-playing Games

    When it comes to making our games something memorable and that our players will be talking about for years to come there are few lengths that many of us will not go to. The problem, however, is that so often time is limited and in spite of the fact that we would all love to create our own tiles...
  4. C

    10 Videos to Help Inspire Your Role-Playing Games! [PART 1]

    When Wizards of the Coast started talking about launching Fifth Edition Dungeons and Dragons the talked about a “transmedia” operation where the game would be brought to the world across a wide variety of formats ranging from books to video games and everything in between. In a lot of way this...
  5. C

    The 10 Best Roleplaying Reads of January 2015!

    Keeping up with the blogging scene isn’t easy for anyone as it seems like every day there’s a new blog or post going up with great ideas for how to make gaming better. Which is why each week over at the Dyvers blog I read through hundreds of blogs, finding the best posts, and bringing them...
  6. C

    15 Roleplaying Game Predictions for 2015

    2015 is here and with it comes one of my favorite things to do: predicting the future! Nostradamus and Rasputin liked to stare into the sun and drink mercury but I prefer staring into the abyssal void of the internet listening to unknown gods as they cry out from the future all the things that...
  7. C

    Tis the Season for Giving: 10 Free PDFs for Your Home Games!

    Tis the Season for Giving: Twelve Free PDFs for Your Home Games! Christmas is fast approaching and that means that gifts are being bought for every child and semi-distant relative. The malls are packed with hordes of disgruntled parents pressing their way through the crowds, just hoping to find...
  8. C

    10 Biggest Tabletop RPG News Stories of 2014

    The end of the year approaches! Looking back on 2014 our hobby had a really good year. We found ourselves repeatedly as the focus of news cycles and rarely did we come away in a poor light. We saw Kickstarters raise tremendous amounts of money, new games and old favorites brought back to the...