• The VOIDRUNNER'S CODEX is coming! Explore new worlds, fight oppressive empires, fend off fearsome aliens, and wield deadly psionics with this comprehensive boxed set expansion for 5E and A5E!

Search results

  1. M

    Ravnica: Is This The New D&D Setting? [UPDATED & CONFIRMED!]

    If so, I don't think i will buy it, zero interest.
  2. M

    Loren Wiseman RIP

    One of my first non-D&D books, loved the detail. RIP.
  3. M

    D&D 5E Your First Module

    Peering at the sands of time...i think that the first one i played was B3 Palace of the Silver Princess (i remember that first session fondly, but B3 is not one of my favourite modules ), it was 1983. The first module i bought and ran, was FRC2 Curse of the Azure Bonds, in 1989, it was fun to...
  4. M

    D&D 5E How long is your average session?

    3 hours, we meet for 4-5 hours but we "lose" a couple of hours with dinner and sidetracking :D
  5. M

    D&D 5E ForgedAnvil D&D 5E Character Generator

    Thanks a lot, as always, a superb job.
  6. M

    D&D 5E ForgedAnvil D&D 5E Character Generator

    Hi, thanks for the good stuff, keep it coming please! Now a question, that maybe has been answered, but i have not found it, why can't i insert a portrait in the 2.0 beta 6 sheet? I'm using excel 2007, its a known bug? Thanks!
  7. M

    Dedicated subgroups for major APs?

    What a good idea :) a tag could do the job! +1
  8. M

    Help me finding a piece if merchandising

    Well i dunno if it has been around for some time, but i saw it just some hours ago and i have been looking for it in eBay, etc, it is the cloth patch that Mike Mearls and Jeremy Crawdford have on the table at GenCon, the Link that i followed was a Twitter one in the Wotc website, it is an...
  9. M

    Mike Mearls on stuff... (Tome Show interview from GenCon)

    Hear hear! My players are far from getting to level 15 but as a DM with little time to do some homework, some high level content could be greet with relief... All in all, a great bunch of info :)
  10. M

    Sword Coast Adventurer’s Guide: The First Official D&D 5E Setting

    Looking forward to buying it, i have enjoyed the Realms since the Grey Box, and i have to say that, even if i thought that a more "continental" setting book could have been a great option, a regional one, has been in the Realms publication tradition since the 1e and 2e times (the FR sourcebooks...
  11. M

    D&D 5E Why does 5E SUCK?

    Not-a-bit-of-a-thing. Thanks to 5e i have come back, it made me take the arms of DM'ing again, is not the perfect edition but 1e and 2e were not pristine and i loved them! Perfect is boring... Long life to 5e!
  12. M

    D&D 5E Theatre of the Mind or Miniatures?

    When i Dm'ed 2e i allways used the Theatre of the Mind, but in my 5e sessions, with rookie players, i have found that TotM not allways works with them, so i'm using a mat but more for where they are than for measuring movement and s. My intention is to use the mat less and less as they learn...
  13. M

    Official SAGE ADVICE Compendium, Spell Lists, & Errata

    Or maybe 20 years in the future, it will be an invaluable treasure of extreme rarity: - Oh my gosh! you have one of the flawy first printings of the 5e PHB! :cool: Look at all this falling pages! it has the incredible faulty spine! And all the errata! You lucky man! -
  14. M

    D&D 5E Lost Mine of Phandelver and Syrinscape, are you using it?

    Hi, i'm just about to begin a D&D 5e campaign and i'm thinking how new technologies could be used in my game, i have read some reviews on Syrinscape, but i have some doubts. Reading the forum reviews and the FAQ in the webpage of Syrinscape, it seems to be tailored for Pathfinder APs, so, can...
  15. M

    D&D 5E ForgedAnvil D&D 5E Character Generator

    Well, thanks for your time ForgedAnvil! It could be superb if the Character sheet were traslated to Spanish, my friends read English with more or less success, but for some of them a Spanish traslated Character sheet...well it coul be like Christmass time :) Thank you!
  16. M

    D&D 5E ForgedAnvil D&D 5E Character Generator

    ForgedAnvil, thanks for a great work, you have helped me manage my group char creation! You are the best! Only a question, you think that maybe in the future you will traslate your sheet to other languages? Thanks!
  17. M

    D&D 5E Princes of the Apocalypse campaign recaps

    Rogue/Ranger/druid..too long...maybe...The Ranguid!!! :D Imagination, what a powerful tool!
  18. M

    [UPDATED] RAGE OF DEMONS! New D&D Storyline Features Drizzt, Underdark, & Demon Lords!

    Another adventure...meh. Underdark + Fiends + Green Ronin = COOL. Drizzt...meh. And please, please WOTC, if FR is going to be the offcial setting, update it!
  19. M

    Gen Con Takes Stand For Inclusiveness

    Not really wanting to be a bore but do you realize that Europe is a Continent and politics are Country wise? I can say then that you in America (the continent) are all the same, and it is a big big World...