• The VOIDRUNNER'S CODEX is coming! Explore new worlds, fight oppressive empires, fend off fearsome aliens, and wield deadly psionics with this comprehensive boxed set expansion for 5E and A5E!

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  1. R

    D&D 5E Making Intelligence less of a dump stat

    The issue would still remain the same, because any ability score can become really important if the DM uses a lot of checks to it. That's not unique. A lot of people are going to make builds that are min/maxed, and among those who don't outright dump a stat, there's still going to be one, or...
  2. R

    Unearthed Arcana 5E Psionics Alert! The Mystic Is Back In Unearthed Arcana

    Okay, so then there really is a weird overlap between Telepathy and Mind Meld :P Mind Meld then allows you to also communicate regardless of language, and allows you to experience a memory. The first part seems superfluous, though. Maybe if you MC 1 level, take the Talent and skip level 2 for...
  3. R

    Unearthed Arcana 5E Psionics Alert! The Mystic Is Back In Unearthed Arcana

    Has it been clarified as the intent? Because the Mind Meld feature doesn't state that the creature can respond. Would make much more sense if that were the case, but RAW it's just as one-way as Telepathy.
  4. R

    Unearthed Arcana 5E Psionics Alert! The Mystic Is Back In Unearthed Arcana

    This is so awesome. Two minor issues I have: The Soul Knife gets 2 fewer Disciplines than the rest. That feels weak? The actual soul knives don't make up for that, to me. Talents ... they are very much like cantrips, and can be a lot of fun. But the progression seems odd. You start with 1...
  5. R

    D&D 5E I hate rapiers. Do you?

    I've currently playing a bard using a khopesh using the rapier's stats. I'd rather there were more options in the PHB for rapier variants, but that's how we've solved it. Just reflavour the weapon.
  6. R

    D&D 5E Charisma 1 ...

    I'd play it as the character losing their sense of identity. You're just so bland, you get pulled along with others. You don't voice your own ideas, you don't really argue, you're a total pushover. And everyone notices this, in the way that you notice-but-don't-notice people who have no presence...
  7. R

    D&D 5E To Allow Multi-Class or Not....A DM's Dilemma

    The only situation where I'd ban MC'ing would be if I ran a game for completely new players that don't really know anything about D&D. I'd start them off without multiclassing, but would perhaps allow it later on when they're comfortable with the basic rules. But I'd also make sure to discuss...
  8. R

    D&D 5E Concentration while Short Resting

    Yes, but concentration obviously implies much more than they intended, right? Concentration in general is very easily broken. The Concentration mechanic in the game is meant to be very difficult to break, it's meant to last through rests (but not sleep). It requires damage or extreme...
  9. R

    D&D 5E Concentration while Short Resting

    Really the same reply to both - yeah, obviously a DM is allowed to houserule whatever. Just important to remember that "Concentration" is a bad name for it, and that's not really what they intended. So changing the rules to fit the poor choice of words will mess with balance.
  10. R

    D&D 5E Concentration while Short Resting

    The only issue I'd have with that is that if you can fight for several minutes without ever risking to break the concentration (assuming you take no damage), then I can't see what you'd do during a short rest that would offer up a much greater distraction. Honestly, it mostly seems like they...
  11. R

    D&D 5E Do you care about setting "canon"?

    I enjoy both worlds that are canon and worlds that aren't. Just is very important to set the right expectations. If I was told I'd be a player in a campaign set in Forgotten Realms (with nothing else specified) I'd expect it to be more or less canon. I mean, personally I'd definitely ask the DM...
  12. R

    D&D 5E Why Eldritch Blast only targets creatures

    I really like how creative you're being. I think that would make perfect sense for the class, as you say, considering the "witchiness" of it. But it doesn't feel like it goes with everything else. To me, it'd make much more sense if the damage, then was either untyped or necrotic. And the actual...
  13. R

    D&D 5E No Feats Allowed?

    Spellcasters would still summon monsters to break action economy, throw fireballs left and right, cripple encounters with awesome CC and just radiate awesomeness.
  14. R

    D&D 5E No Feats Allowed?

    Not sure I agree. Sure, it will keep someone from getting that +5 bonus on passive perception checks, and it will prevent some 1d4 extra damage from polearm master, and a few martial builds that are pretty good. But ... I'm not really sure how it keeps the power level down, when you've got...
  15. R

    D&D 5E No Feats Allowed?

    The only reason I might run a featless game is if it was a game for a group that had never played an RPG before. Just to ease them into it. Other than that, it feels like a very arbitrary restriction on character variety. Personally I'd never play a human without the variant feat you can get...
  16. R

    D&D 5E New Players same level as Current Players?

    In our main campaign, we level by milestone. So same level is required; there's no option. Which works really nicely, since we don't do a lot of combat there. Even in campaigns where we do have a lot of combat, we tend to progress slowly, and so starting a lower level means it'd take quite a...
  17. R

    D&D 5E To fudge or not to fudge: that is the question

    Right. But the arrow wouldn't have to kill. Perhaps you planned the encounter to be survivable, and the PC's just had really bad luck. And usually, death is a part of D&D, but perhaps not ... you know ... during the first encounter ever.
  18. R

    D&D 5E To fudge or not to fudge: that is the question

    Well, I wouldn't really have had to bring the dice into play. The same thing applies to using the average damage from a monster. But even I did use the dice, it'd probably have been for the uncertainty of how much damage is dealt in general, but maybe I was hoping that the monster wouldn't crit...
  19. R

    D&D 5E To fudge or not to fudge: that is the question

    Not sure what you're arguing against here? If I wanted an encounter that was non-lethal, I'd have magical stun arrows/darts or something like that, instead of ordinary arrows.
  20. R

    D&D 5E To fudge or not to fudge: that is the question

    But who says that the dice have to follow the rules? If you improvise fights and attacks and monsters all the time to get a desired result, you can do the same with dice, and just see the dice as a guideline. "Oh, max damage, so maybe I won't kill the character even though the PC should die...