• The VOIDRUNNER'S CODEX is coming! Explore new worlds, fight oppressive empires, fend off fearsome aliens, and wield deadly psionics with this comprehensive boxed set expansion for 5E and A5E!

Search results

  1. atherion-foehammer

    A TSR Announces a Star Frontiers Reboot

    I hope this is real and comes to fruition. I loved Star Frontiers, and actually last year went and bought either reprint's or originals of all the material. I always thought that it would make a great video game franchise.
  2. atherion-foehammer

    D&D 5E New WotC Survey! Learn About A New D&D Product!

    I think they were being ageist. I answered truthfully @51 y/o and saw nothing relating to an NDA or future product
  3. atherion-foehammer

    I Am For The Darkmaster, Actually

    Cool, thinking of creating a Spellblade/Eldritch Knight style character by simply changing up some spells from the Champion Template. I think you could create a Paladin and Fighter/Mage style character pretty easily by simply changing their starting spell lores (to me the Champion, as written...
  4. atherion-foehammer

    I Am For The Darkmaster, Actually

    Just got the core rules today. I like it so far (admittedly a quick skim through the rules), reminds me very much of MERP. Edit: As a fan/musician of heavy metal, I especially like the suggested tracks! \../
  5. atherion-foehammer

    Playtest (A5E) Level Up Playtest Document #15: Herald

    Still going through the rules, but why the name change? Not a deal breaker, just curious. Paladin should be a public domain name given their history with Charlemange
  6. atherion-foehammer

    Sale Pre-order Fallout The Role Playing Game from Modiphius

    Question about the core rulebooks. As I am looking at the bundles, it appears that only the Game table bundle contains two rulebooks, I am not seeing the second rulebook anywhere else. Are they different, content wise?
  7. atherion-foehammer

    I Am For The Darkmaster, Actually

    I also had ICE products as kid, and although I never implemented them in a game, I loved reading them. MERP was a particular favorite of mine (to read if nothing else). This review intrigued me enough to take the plunge and order the core rules. Look forward to reading through the game. Also...
  8. atherion-foehammer

    D&D 5E Solasta: Crown of the Magister Gets a Dungeon Builder

    At least not yet. I have been impressed with their response to customer requests, and hope that the fan/customer support is enough for them to continue to grow. This game really reminds me of the old SSI Gold box games, in a good way.
  9. atherion-foehammer

    D&D 5E Solasta: Crown of the Magister Gets a Dungeon Builder

    It is a really cool game, IMO, and I have thoroughly enjoyed it. Looking forward to seeing the new update . I liked it enough that I bought their campaign book to add to my D&D collection.
  10. atherion-foehammer

    D&D 5E Solasta: Crown of the Magister Gets a Dungeon Builder

    They talk about it in an article I read, as I recall, the gist is that yes there will be modding available (they say mods are already out, but I haven't looked too hard for them): https://wccftech.com/solasta-crown-of-the-magister-qa-making-dungeons-with-dd-5ths-ruleset/
  11. atherion-foehammer

    D&D 5E Solasta: Crown of the Magister Gets a Dungeon Builder

    I have played and own both, and while BG3 has the better graphics and cut scenes, I far prefer Solasta. I have around 83 ish hours into bg3 since EA and 348 into Solasta. (I have completed EA content with a variety of parties). Solasta is more on rails (currently, though the new patch adds...
  12. atherion-foehammer

    D&D 5E WotC to increase releases per year?

    2nd edition style books/box sets with deep, updated lore on the areas (Moonsea, Vilhon Reach, Cormyr, Sembia, the Dalelands,etc.) so many areas that have not received an update in 20+ years and three editions. More monsters, ! I would love to see a 5th Edition boxed set for the Realms and...
  13. atherion-foehammer

    Check Out The One Ring 2E's Pre-Kickstarter Video!

    Another vote for MERP! I liked the 5E port of the One Ring (Adventures in Middle Earth) , but I agree MERP and the time frame are quite cool. (I also admit to liking my RPG's to have quite a bit of combat)
  14. atherion-foehammer

    Review Roundup: Tasha's Cauldron of Everything

    I have to agree with others who say that the direction and feel of Tasha's just doesn't "feel" like the traditions of D&D. I admit I am grognard, and I love 2E (it is my favorite), Tasha's just seems a hodge podge of rules that try to take the game into some different realm/look/feel. Nothing...
  15. atherion-foehammer

    Drizzt Do'Urden Poll: Love Him Or Hate Him?

    I actually like Drizzt. Have all the books, what can I say...
  16. atherion-foehammer

    What are the most interesting non-D&D systems you've yet to play?

    Palladium Fantasy Role Playing Game - I had the revised 1st Edition, sold it, and just recently bought the 2nd edition rules and several source books. Would love a good space opera RPG. Back in the day I liked Star Frontiers, but bought and quickly gave away, Star Finder. I just didn't like...