• The VOIDRUNNER'S CODEX is coming! Explore new worlds, fight oppressive empires, fend off fearsome aliens, and wield deadly psionics with this comprehensive boxed set expansion for 5E and A5E!

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  1. J

    Pathfinder In Space! Aethera Combines Wizards & Starships

    A recent update went out to backers that the Early Access PDF is coming out soon. Also, the game's Facebook page has tons of art preview. It's shaping up to be quite the cool book.
  2. J

    Dark Tower: The Original Fantasy Troop Simulator

    My brother gave me a copy he found at the dump on Nantucket in the early 90s. The plastic pieces were still on the spruces. Fun game to play and even my nephew raised on the newest generation of video games always enjoyed it. Unfortunately, a battery leaked inside it a couple of years ago. I'm...
  3. J

    Pathfinder In Space! Aethera Combines Wizards & Starships

    For anyone on the fence, there is now a 22 page preview guide available on Paizo.com- http://paizo.com/products/btpy9i4w/discuss?Aethera-Campaign-Setting-Preview-Guide#tabs
  4. J

    Pathfinder In Space! Aethera Combines Wizards & Starships

    No worries, I didn't think that. I was just making a general comment because it is a high funding goal and I've backed enough Kickstarters to realize that 50 grand ain't easy :). I'm not sure what Robert's plan is if it doesn't fund. However, Robert is never one to shy from a challenge and he...
  5. J

    Pathfinder In Space! Aethera Combines Wizards & Starships

    John Bennett here and one of the designers contributing to Aethera. I've always been a fan of mixing scifi and fantasy (my round 4 location in the 2011 RPG Superstar was a robot head!) and what Robert Brookes and his core team have come up with is one of the better concoctions I've seen. I've...
  6. J

    Bruce Nesmith Interview: 1 month, 1 32 page module

    Jon Peterson wrote a great article about the production of a D&D module back in the early days. It's a great look into all the work that goes into getting a module out the door which is quite significant. I'm new so I can't post a link but there's a link in Jon Peterson's blog (may have even...