• The VOIDRUNNER'S CODEX is coming! Explore new worlds, fight oppressive empires, fend off fearsome aliens, and wield deadly psionics with this comprehensive boxed set expansion for 5E and A5E!

Search results

  1. Fedge123

    D&D 5E To fudge or not to fudge: that is the question

    "The dice of Zeus always fall luckily." - Sophocles
  2. Fedge123

    D&D 5E World-Building DMs

    Ditto. That's been my experience too. Some of my group have been playing since the 70's, and in those days you couldn't treat the rules as gospel because the 'rules' were so poorly written! You had to pick and choose out of necessity. Gary Gygax used to always say, "If you don't like it...
  3. Fedge123

    D&D 5E World-Building DMs

    Being a DM is like having guests over for dinner - I try to make something that everyone can enjoy, but at the end of the day I decide what's on the menu, I buy the groceries and do the cooking. I don't make a special meal for that one special person (unless I'm married to them), so if they...
  4. Fedge123

    D&D 5E [POLL] What drives your inspiration behind char gen?

    Wow, I wouldn't even know where to begin, I think I've dipped into the entire well of experience over the years to create characters. From books, movies, comics, real people I've met, hallucinations, neighbors, names, music, Art, miniatures, history, etc. I guess I just pray to The Muses and...
  5. Fedge123

    D&D 5E How cognizant are you of the rules of the game?

    I think all styles are valid, whatever rocks your boat. I've played with heavy-optimization assassins and fluffy role-players and have enjoyed either/or and both in an adventure party. Jerks can be found in either camp too, but thankfully I've encountered those rarely. As for me, when I'm...
  6. Fedge123

    D&D 5E Do Classes Have Concrete Meaning In Your Game?

    I used to love in the old edition that each class had a different name associated with it at each level, like a title. You weren't a 1st level Fighter, you were a "Veteran". We all wanted to be the cool names at the higher levels: a "Myrmidon" or "Champion" (6th and 7th level fighter). In...
  7. Fedge123

    D&D 5E Most annoying / awesome magic items

    +1 Flaming Sword! Nothing's cooler than a flaming sword. You get to kill something with a blade and WITH FIRE! :) Years ago I used to have a -1 Cursed Dagger which I loved. I refused to get rid of it. Why you ask? Because I wanted to prove that my Assassin character could still kill...
  8. Fedge123

    D&D 5E Best Parts of SCAG

    I agree, the section on the deities was particularly good.
  9. Fedge123

    D&D 5E Playable Plant People

    In a plant people society does that make vegetarians lawful evil?
  10. Fedge123

    D&D 5E DM's: what do you do with players who want to switch characters?

    I'd say it all depends ... No issues with them switching characters, it often happens that a player's character doesn't turn out the way the want, especially if they're a relatively new player, and I think it's ok to switch and I'd like to help facilitate that as a DM with something more...
  11. Fedge123

    D&D 5E Average damage or rolled damage?

    "KILL IT!!! WITH FIRE!!!" is pretty common knowledge everywhere ;)
  12. Fedge123

    D&D 5E Average damage or rolled damage?

    I stopped this behavior by asking players to roll perception (or similar) checks at random/innocuous times, when there was actually nothing to see or find of particular note. It keeps them on edge :)
  13. Fedge123

    D&D 5E Escapist article on SCAG is Brutal.

    Just read the review ... the writer lost me when he mentioned "... 4th Edition's unique and interesting Warlord ..." ;) *eye rolls*
  14. Fedge123

    D&D 5E Escapist article on SCAG is Brutal.

    I like the book. I run my own campaign and don't do AL, but I enjoyed reading the history and fluff, it's all stuff that inspires my own work and gives me ideas. The quality is good, but I think they should have included some of the maps as pull-outs, the ones in the book are just too small...
  15. Fedge123

    Spelljammer Spelljammer, 5e, and the general angst against all things space

    I was never a big fan of D&D In Space, but not really opposed to it either. If it works for your players/campaign then go for it. One of my favorite fantasy vs. modern scenarios was from a great battle write-up in TSR's old Strategic Review - "Sturmgeshutz and Sorcery, or How Effective Is A...
  16. Fedge123

    D&D 5E 5e's new gender policy - is it attracting new players?

    D&D is so bad it's a wonder that anyone who isn't a knuckle-dragging, misogynist, racist, homophobe, can even crack open one of the rule books without turning into a black pudding, weeping and quivering in the corner. Think of the children, and other sensitive persons. If those who know better...
  17. Fedge123

    D&D 5E Does magical armour change size to fit the wearer.

    Equipment size (including armor) is a variant rule on pg 144 of the PHB As a DM it's up to you.
  18. Fedge123

    D&D 5E 5e's new gender policy - is it attracting new players?

    So as an attorney for the plaintiffs in a class action lawsuit I won't get paid anymore? ;)
  19. Fedge123

    D&D 5E 5e's new gender policy - is it attracting new players?

    Your hiring manager friend should be terminated immediately because behavior like that is illegal in the United States. Give me the name of the firm he works for so I can file a lawsuit and retire after I win the case.
  20. Fedge123

    D&D 5E Access to Races in a Campaign

    And apparently one less option is potentially too little for you. Good luck creating.