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  1. psimon85

    D&D 5E Raw d20 rolls?

    This seems like it is designed to make players skills and proficiencies redundant opening up a dice roll of "raw" system. I get the degrees of success thing as other systems have this in place, but the 5th ed rules are ready streamlined and take out a lot of the issues previous editions did...
  2. psimon85

    D&D 5E Druid shopping list.

    Thanks for the ideas...I had considered some of these items previously as I'm not bothered about power gaming as such and would prefer thematic items. Already have a bag of holding and a potion bandolier, both of which are accessible to the party when I beast out. (the bandolier becomes a...
  3. psimon85

    D&D 5E Druid shopping list.

    Ok boys and girls, a quick background filler. My group are running our first 5th ed campaign. We have ran lots of 3 & 3.5 ed with a running continuation of the same campaign world, setting and follow up story lines with each concurrent campaign. This is no different except the new 5th ed...
  4. psimon85

    D&D 5E Disintegrate Vs. Druid

    21 pages on this?! Jeez! Well I'm playing a druid in our current campaign and we briefly touched on this subject on Friday. I know you have all been over RAI and RAW plus the specific beats general ruling. Also that a resolution order has been suggested in 1.target 2.damage 3.resolution But...
  5. psimon85

    GPU Failures Sword Coast Legends

    Yeah so many issues with everything in the game atm. Graphic issues, driver issues, resource issues (my brand new pc struggles to do anything whilst alt tabbed with the game running) connection issues, sound issues, save issues.....the list goes on.
  6. psimon85

    D&D 5E The most important roll you will ever make

    Nice, that's a fun setup with 4 Pc's. Though yeah healing can sometimes be an issue. I am seeing more and more groups without dedicated helping now though. I like the sound of your new build and the healing will certainly be handy, as will a halberd. I also appreciate permanent death in any...
  7. psimon85

    D&D 5E DMing Help

    Have you considered not using a map or battle mat of sorts? I am currently involved in a 5th ed campaign and we are trying combat with no aides for the first time. It seems to make combat flow more smoothly as it removes things like corners and the DM has final say on distances, cover and the...
  8. psimon85

    D&D 5E The most important roll you will ever make

    That's a damned level headed way of looking at it. So what's the new character your piping together?
  9. psimon85

    GPU Failures Sword Coast Legends

    Yeah the game isn't optimised for one Gpu let alone two! It doesn't even natively support full screen 1920x1080 on a dual screen display. So good luck getting it to run with 2 GPU's
  10. psimon85

    My Sword Coast Legends First Impressions

    The deluxe version includes these following items: Tome of Knowledge, Order of the Burning Dawn Cloak, Armor and Weapons, Beholder (DM use), Lost Mines dungeon tile set (DM use), Wisps (DM use cursors), Hero Forum Badge, DM Forum Badge, Game Soundtrack (Digital) Hope this helps :)
  11. psimon85

    My SCL first impressions

    The deluxe version includes these following items: Tome of Knowledge, Order of the Burning Dawn Cloak, Armor and Weapons, Beholder (DM use), Lost Mines dungeon tile set (DM use), Wisps (DM use cursors), Hero Forum Badge, DM Forum Badge, Game Soundtrack (Digital) Hope this helps :)
  12. psimon85

    My Sword Coast Legends First Impressions

    Sorry I can't agree with "take it for what it is" not when they branded it as a D&D game with the 5th ed ruleset. There are too many thing missing for it to be either of those things which were massive selling points! If they had put out as an independent action game fine, I'd have no issue...
  13. psimon85

    My SCL first impressions

    Sorry I can't agree with "take it for what it is" not when they branded it as a D&D game with the 5th ed ruleset. There are too many thing missing for it to be either of those things which were massive selling points! If they had put out as an independent action game fine, I'd have no issue...
  14. psimon85

    D&D 5E Fire Bolt vs other Wizzard offensive cantrips

    Pretty much this. Dim light doesn't affect attack rolls, only perception checks relying on sight.
  15. psimon85

    Implementing strict race selection.

    It's not so bad or difficult to do it without being mean or whatever it is that worries you. If you don't want something in your campaign then think of a valid reason as to why it wouldn't make sense. Focus on what will be available in the campaign for the players. For instance in the campaign...
  16. psimon85

    D&D 5E Creative ways to use spells

    Firstly welcome to the forums and the world of D&D. I enjoy meeting, dming for and playing with people like you. I too like pushing the limits of what can and cannot be done. All of your questions are reasonable and the applications you have thought of are good. People have already given some...
  17. psimon85

    D&D 5E What are YOU working on?

    I think I tend to have a similar issue to you. I don't mind taking the spotlight and pushing things forward in the slightest. I generally play with the same group of people we have an in going themed campaign where the world and people in it progress with each new iteration. Though of course our...
  18. psimon85

    D&D 5E Fire Bolt vs other Wizzard offensive cantrips

    If you are supporting and want to stick with that theme then ray of frost is good...you might think that the -10 ft movement is lame, but it really isn't your impeding enemies moment and slowing their advance. Though as somebody else said, be mindful of the swap in stat for the wizard cantrips...
  19. psimon85

    D&D 5E Character journals

    If anybody fancies a read and wants to give some feed back that's cool... http://lathronsjournal.blogspot.co.uk/?m=1
  20. psimon85

    D&D 5E Character journals

    Nice, yeah it seems that it can help clarify certain aspects that may not come across during the session. It's easy to miss things or something somebody said overlooked if there is a fair amount of conversation. I'll give them a read later on :)